* hugdaylist, requestsync, doc/requestsync.1:

ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors → ubuntu-sponsors,
  {ubuntu,motu}-release → ubuntu-release.
* ubuntutools/ppaput.py: removed, not necessary any more.
* debian/copyright: removed references to ppaput.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Holbach 2010-03-15 10:22:35 +01:00
parent f9570af63f
commit f84f961805
6 changed files with 15 additions and 209 deletions

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -6,7 +6,14 @@ ubuntu-dev-tools (0.96) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Emmet Hikory ]
* mk-sbuild: Really don't use build-arm-chroot
-- Emmet Hikory <persia@ubuntu.com> Tue, 09 Mar 2010 08:32:50 +0900
[ Daniel Holbach ]
* hugdaylist, requestsync, doc/requestsync.1:
ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors → ubuntu-sponsors,
{ubuntu,motu}-release → ubuntu-release.
* ubuntutools/ppaput.py: removed, not necessary any more.
* debian/copyright: removed references to ppaput.
-- Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com> Mon, 15 Mar 2010 10:21:31 +0100
ubuntu-dev-tools (0.95) lucid; urgency=low

debian/copyright vendored
View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ License v2 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
dch-repeat, get-branches, get-build-deps, grab-attachments, grab-merge,
hugdaylist, manage-credentials, massfile, mk-sbuild, pbuilder-dist-simple,
ppaput, pull-debian-debdiff, pull-debian-source, pull-lp-source, pull-revu-source,
pull-debian-debdiff, pull-debian-source, pull-lp-source, pull-revu-source,
setup-packaging-environment, suspicious-source, ubuntu-build and what-patch are
licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3:

View File

@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ the launchpadlib module fails.
\fBrequestsync\fR checks if you have the permissions to request the sync from
the archive administrators directly by checking if you are a member of the
\fI~ubuntu\-dev\fR team (for universe/multiverse syncs) or a member of the
\fI~ubuntu\-core\-dev\fR team (for main/restricted syncs) on Launchpad.
If you are not a member of the appropriate team, the script will subscribe
\fI~ubuntu\-dev\fR team on Launchpad.
If you are not a member of the team, the script will subscribe
the necessary team with approval rights to the bug report for you.
@ -58,14 +57,12 @@ file the sync request in Launchpad.
.B \-s
Specifies that you require sponsorship.
You need this option if you are not a member of ubuntu-dev for universe or
multiverse, or ubuntu-core-dev for main or restricted. This shall disable the
You need this option if you are not a member of ubuntu-dev. This shall disable the
Launchpad team membership checking described above.
.B \-e
Use this flag after FeatureFreeze for non-bug fix syncs. \fBrequestsync\fR will
subscribe ubuntu-release team (for main/restricted packages) or motu-release
team (for universe/multiverse packages) instead of sponsorship team.
subscribe ubuntu-release team instead of sponsorship team.
.B <source package>
This is the source package that you would like to be synced from Debian.

View File

@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ def filter_unsolved(task):
subscriptions = set(s.person.name for s in task.bug.subscriptions) #this is expensive, parse name out of self_link instead?
if (task.status != "Fix Committed" and
(not task.assignee or task.assignee.name in ['motu','desktop-bugs']) and
'ubuntu-main-sponsors' not in subscriptions and
'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' not in subscriptions and
'ubuntu-sponsors' not in subscriptions and
'ubuntu-archive' not in subscriptions):
return True
return False

View File

@ -213,10 +213,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
subscribe = 'ubuntu-archive'
if sponsorship:
status = 'new'
if ubuntu_component in ('main', 'restricted'):
subscribe = 'ubuntu-main-sponsors'
subscribe = 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors'
subscribe = 'ubuntu-sponsors'
if ffe:
status = 'new'
subscribe = 'ubuntu-release'

View File

@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2007, Canonical, Daniel Holbach
# Modified by Andrew Hunter
# License: GPLv3
import re
import os
import sys
import string
import launchpadbugs.connector as Connector
raise ImportError, "You need python-launchpad-bugs (>= 0.2.14) installed to use ppaput."
# import apt
# raise ImportError, "You need python-apt installed to use ppaput."
# sys.exit(1)
def dput_check():
if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/dput"):
print >> sys.stderr, "You need to install the dput package."
def find_fixed_launchpad_bug(changesfile):
changes = open(changesfile).readlines()
for line in changes:
if line.startswith("Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed"):
return line.split(":")[1].split()
return []
def call_dput(location, changes):
incoming = ""
res = False
(dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3("dput --debug %s %s" % (location, changes))
text = output.readlines()
for line in text:
if line.startswith("D: Incoming: "):
incoming = line.split("D: Incoming: ")[1].strip()
if incoming[-1] == "/":
incoming = incoming[:-1]
if line.startswith("Successfully uploaded packages."):
res = True
return (res, incoming)
def lookup_dput_host(host):
(dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3("dput -H | grep ^%s" % host)
text = output.read()
if text:
return text.split()[2]
return ""
def call_debuild(options):
# FIXME: this requires magic, that figures out when to use --native --working,
# etc.
# if os.path.exists(".bzr") and os.path.exists("/usr/bin/bzr-buildpackage"):
# return os.system("bzr bd -S --builder='-k%s %s'" % \
# (os.getenv("DEBEMAIL"), \
# string.join(options, " "))) == 0
# else:
return os.system("debuild -S -k%s %s" % \
(os.getenv("DEBEMAIL"), \
string.join(options, " "))) == 0
def get_name_version_section_and_release():
changelogfile = "debian/changelog"
if not os.path.exists(changelogfile):
print >> sys.stderr, "%s not found." % changelogfile
controlfile = "debian/control"
if not os.path.exists(controlfile):
print >> sys.stderr, "%s not found." % controlfile
head = open(changelogfile).readline()
(name, \
version, \
release) = re.findall(r'^(.*)\ \((.*)\)\ (.*?)\;\ .*', head)[0]
section = "main"
#Is this nessicary? All ppa install to main now.
# for line in open(controlfile).readlines():
# if line.startswith("Section"):
# if line.split("Section: ")[1].count("/")>0:
# section = line.split("Section: ")[1].split("/")[0].strip()
# return (name, version, section)
return (name, version, section, release)
def assemble_bug_comment_text(host, incoming, section, sourcepackage, version,
if host == "ppa.launchpad.net":
dsc_file_location = "http://%s/%s/pool/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.dsc" % \
(host, incoming[1:], section, sourcepackage[0], sourcepackage, \
sourcepackage, version)
# FIXME: this needs to be much much cleverer at some stage
dsc_file_location = "http://%s/%s/pool/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.dsc" % \
(host, incoming, section, sourcepackage[0], sourcepackage, version)
return """A new version of %s was uploaded to fix this bug.
To review the source the current version, please run
dget -x %s
The package will get built by Launchpad in a while. If you want to test it,
please run the following commands:
sudo -s
echo >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb http://%s/%s %s main universe multiverse restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install <package>
""" % (sourcepackage, dsc_file_location, host, incoming[1:], release)
def deal_with_bugreport(bugnumbers, host, section, incoming, sourcepackage,
version, release):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie")):
print >> sys.stderr, \
"You need your Launchpad Cookie to be stored in ~/.lpcookie"
#print apt.Cache()[sourcepackage].section.split("/")[0].count("verse")
(dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3(
"apt-cache showsrc %s | grep Directory | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f2" % \
component = output.read().strip()
Bug = Connector.ConnectBug()
Bug.authentication = os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie")
for bugnumber in bugnumbers:
bug = Bug(int(bugnumber))
if component in ["main", "restricted"] and \
'ubuntu-main-sponsors' not in [str(s) for s in bug.subscribers]:
if component in ["universe", "multiverse"] and \
'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' not in [str(s) for s in bug.subscribers]:
if not component:
comment = Bug.NewComment(text=assemble_bug_comment_text(host, incoming,
subject="Fix in %s (%s)" % \
(sourcepackage, version))
if bug.status != "Fix Committed":
bug.status = "Fix Committed"
def file_bug(sourcepackage, version):
Bug = Connector.ConnectBug()
Bug.authentication = os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie")
bug = Bug.New(product={"name": sourcepackage, "target": "ubuntu"},
summary="Please sponsor %s %s" % \
(sourcepackage, version),
"The new package will be uploaded to PPA shortly.")
bug = Bug.New(product={"name": "ubuntu"},
summary="Please sponsor %s %s" % \
(sourcepackage, version),
"The new package will be uploaded to PPA shortly.")
print "Successfully filed bug %s: http://launchpad.net/bugs/%s" % \
(bug.bugnumber, bug.bugnumber)
return bug.bugnumber