- Catch IOError from libsupport.get_launchpad(), display the error and
- Bug fix in PersonTeam.canUploadPackage()
- Remove leftover code from PersonTeam.isPerPackageUploader()
- Rename Distribution.getMainArchive() to getArchive() and let it also fetch
other archives besides the main one.
* udtexceptions.py:
- Add ArchiveNotFoundException
- Move getUbuntuSourcePackage() from LpApiWrapper to the Archive class
and rename it to getSourcePackage().
- Leave LpApiWrapper.getUbuntuSourcePackage() as a shortcut for now.
Move getUbuntu{Development,}Series from LpApiWrapper to Distribution
and rename it to get{Development,}Series
* pull-lp-source, requestsync:
Updated for the above mention change.
- Add _UbuntuSeries and _SourcePackage wrapper classes for proper type checking
* functions.py: Removed
- Move the remaining functions to lpapiwrapper.py
* buildd, requestsync:
- Updated for the new function location
canUploadPackage(): Assume 'universe' as component if the package doesn't
exist (yet) in Ubuntu (needed for checking sponsorship when requesting syncs
of new packages).
* requestsync: use canUploadPackage() from LpApiWrapper
a value fetched from LP. Instead fetch the default value during call time.
This way the functions module doesn't require to use LP API during module
* buildd: Move the import of ubuntutools.lp.functions to the other module
OO-way and add caching
* ubuntutools/lp/functions.py: Use the lpapiwrapper.py where applicable and
mark the rewritten functions as deprecated
* ubuntutools/lp/udtexceptions.py: Add PocketDoesNotExistException
* buildd: Make use of LpApiWrapper
* ubuntutools/lp/cookie.py
* ubuntutools/lp/urlopener.py
And removed references from these files as necessary:
* requestsync
* ubuntutools/lp/functions.py
- Simplify isLPTeamMember.
<Laney> andersk: what does super_teams do?
<andersk> Laney: I found super_teams using dir(launchpad.me). It
returns the collection of teams that the person is a member of. I'm
not sure it's actually documented.
<Laney> andersk: I've found the documentation to be a bit
lacking. Does it count indirect memberships too?
<andersk> Laney: yes, it appears to.
<Laney> andersk: If that's right then your version is better than mine
<Laney> andersk: Could you prepare a branch for merging? I'd just do
it directly but I'm a bit busy now so can't, and I'm afraid I'll