================================ == Ubuntu Development Tools == ================================ 404main ... will check if and all it's build dependencies are are in the "main" component or not. check-symbols [] ... will compare and give you a diff of the exported symbols of all .so files in all binary packages of . is not mandatory and set to /var/cache/pbuilder/result by default. dch-repeat [--help] ... will repeat a change log into an older release. dgetlp ... will simulate «dget»'s behaviour for files hosted at launchpadlibrarian.net. get-branches [checkout|branch] ... will branch / checkout all the Bazaar branches in a Launchpad team. get-build-deps [] ... will install the build dependencies for a package, if you are inside its source file. Alternatively, you can pass it the name of a file containing a list of packages, one on each line, or just pass them all as parameters, and it will get their build dependencies. hugdaylist [-n ] ... will create a list of bug list for a hug day listing massfile ... will perform a massive bug reporting operation on Launchpad according to the information in the "information" and "list" files that are in the working directory. mk-sbuild-lv ... will create LVM snapshot chroots via schroot and sbuild. It assumes that sbuild has not be installed and configured before. pbuilder-dist [withlog] [create|update|build|clean|login|execute] ... is a wrapper to use pbuilder with many different Ubuntu and/or Debian releases. It's recommended to symlink as pbuilder-feisty, pbuilder-gutsy, etc. pull-debian-debdiff ... will attempt to find and download a specific version of a Debian package and its immediate parent to generate a debdiff. requestsync [-n|-s] [base version] ... will file a sync request for a package from Debian by sending a bug report to Launchpad. reverse-build-depends [-c|-s] ... will print 's build dependencies. submittodebian ... will submit patches to Debian's BTS. Run it from inside the source directory of a Debian package (note that there has to be a .dsc for it in the parent directory). suspicious-source ... will output a list of files which are not common source files. This should be run in the root of a source tree to find files which might not be the "prefered form of modification" that the GPL and other licenses require. update-maintainer ... will update the Maintainer field of an Ubuntu package to match the DebianMaintainerField specification, and add a line about this to the changelog. what-patch ... will check what patching system is used by a package. You need to be in its source directory in order for it to work.