.TH PBUILDER\-DIST\-SIMPLE 1 "February 25, 2008" "ubuntu\-dev\-tools" .SH NAME pbuilder\-dist\-simple \- simple multi\-release pbuilder wrapper .SH SYNOPSIS \fBpbuilder\-\fI<dist>\fR\fP \fIoperation\fR [\fI...\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBpbuilder\-dist\-simple\fP is a wrapper that makes it easy to use pbuilder with chroots for many different Ubuntu distributions. If you need more features than \fBpbuilder\-dist\-simple\fP provides, have a look at .BR pbuilder\-dist (1). .SH USAGE Create one symlink to \fBpbuilder\-dist\-simple\fP for each distribution for which you want a build environment, naming them like "pbuilder\-lucid", "pbuilder\-natty", etc. .PP Replace \fIoperation\fP with the action you want \fBpbuilder\-dist\-simple\fP to do (create, update, build, clean, login or execute). .SH EXAMPLES .TP pbuilder\-natty create Creates a \fBpbuilder\fP environment for Ubuntu Natty. .TP pbuilder\-lucid update Updates an existing Ubuntu Lucid environment. .TP pbuilder\-lucid build ./sample_1.0\-0ubuntu1.dsc Builds the specified package on an already existing Ubuntu Lucid environment. .SH FILES By default, \fBpbuilder\-dist\-simple\fP will store all the files it generates in \fB~/pbuilder/\fP. This can be changed by modifying the BASE_DIR value on the top of the script to any other directory you want. If the directory doesn't exit, it will be created at runtime. .SH SEE ALSO .BR pbuilder (1), .BR pbuilderrc (5), .BR pbuilder\-dist (1) .SH AUTHORS \fBpbuilder\-dist\fP was originally written by Jamin W. Collins <jcollins@asgardsrealm.net> and Jordan Mantha <mantha@ubuntu.com>, and this manpage by Siegfried\-A. Gevatter <rainct@ubuntu.com>. .PP Both are released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.