# archive.py - Functions for dealing with Debian source packages, archives, # and mirrors. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Stefano Rivera # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """Pull source packages from archives. Approach: 1. Pull dsc from Launchpad (this is over https and can authenticate the rest of the source package) 2. Attempt to pull the remaining files from: 1. existing files 2. mirrors 3. Launchpad 3. Verify checksums. """ from urllib.error import (URLError, HTTPError) from urllib.parse import (quote, urlparse) from urllib.request import urlopen import codecs import hashlib import json import os.path import re import shutil import subprocess import sys from debian.changelog import Changelog import debian.deb822 import httplib2 from contextlib import closing from ubuntutools.config import UDTConfig from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import (Launchpad, Distribution, PersonTeam, SourcePackagePublishingHistory) from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import (PackageNotFoundException, SeriesNotFoundException, InvalidDistroValueError) from ubuntutools.version import Version import logging Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DownloadError(Exception): "Unable to pull a source package" pass class Dsc(debian.deb822.Dsc): "Extend deb822's Dsc with checksum verification abilities" def get_strongest_checksum(self): "Return alg, dict by filename of size, hash_ pairs" if 'Checksums-Sha256' in self: return ('sha256', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['sha256'])) for entry in self['Checksums-Sha256'])) if 'Checksums-Sha1' in self: return ('sha1', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['sha1'])) for entry in self['Checksums-Sha1'])) return ('md5', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['md5sum'])) for entry in self['Files'])) def verify_file(self, pathname): "Verify that pathname matches the checksums in the dsc" if os.path.isfile(pathname): alg, checksums = self.get_strongest_checksum() size, digest = checksums[os.path.basename(pathname)] if os.path.getsize(pathname) != size: return False hash_func = getattr(hashlib, alg)() f = open(pathname, 'rb') while True: buf = f.read(hash_func.block_size) if buf == b'': break hash_func.update(buf) f.close() return hash_func.hexdigest() == digest return False def compare_dsc(self, other): """Check whether any files in these two dscs that have the same name also have the same checksum.""" for field, key in (('Checksums-Sha256', 'sha256'), ('Checksums-Sha1', 'sha1'), ('Files', 'md5sum')): if field not in self or field not in other: continue our_checksums = \ dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry[key])) for entry in self[field]) their_checksums = \ dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry[key])) for entry in other[field]) for name, (size, checksum) in our_checksums.items(): if name not in their_checksums: # file only in one dsc continue if size != their_checksums[name][0] or checksum != their_checksums[name][1]: return False return True # one checksum is good enough return True class SourcePackage(object): """Base class for source package downloading. Use DebianSourcePackage or UbuntuSourcePackage instead of using this directly. """ distribution = None spph_class = SourcePackagePublishingHistory def __init__(self, package=None, version=None, component=None, *args, **kwargs): """Can be initialised using either package or dscfile. If package is specified, either the version or series can also be specified; using version will get the specific package version, while using the series will get the latest version from that series. Specifying only the package with no version or series will get the latest version from the development series. """ dscfile = kwargs.get('dscfile') lp = kwargs.get('lp') mirrors = kwargs.get('mirrors', ()) workdir = kwargs.get('workdir', '.') series = kwargs.get('series') pocket = kwargs.get('pocket') status = kwargs.get('status') verify_signature = kwargs.get('verify_signature', False) try_binary = kwargs.get('try_binary', True) assert (package is not None or dscfile is not None) self.source = package self._lp = lp self.binary = None self.try_binary = try_binary self.workdir = workdir self._series = series self._pocket = pocket self._status = status self._dsc_source = dscfile self._verify_signature = verify_signature # Cached values: self._distribution = None self._component = component self._dsc = None self._spph = None self._version = Version(version) if version else None # Mirrors self.mirrors = list(mirrors) if self.distribution: self.masters = [UDTConfig.defaults['%s_MIRROR' % self.distribution.upper()]] # if a dsc was specified, pull it to get the source/version info if self._dsc_source: self.pull_dsc() @property def lp_spph(self): "Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry" if self._spph: return self._spph if not Launchpad.logged_in: if self._lp: Launchpad.login_existing(self._lp) else: Launchpad.login_anonymously() archive = self.getArchive() params = {} if self._version: # if version was specified, use that params['version'] = self._version.full_version elif self._series: # if version not specified, get the latest from this series params['series'] = self._series # note that if not specified, pocket defaults to all EXCEPT -backports if self._pocket: params['pocket'] = self._pocket else: # We always want to search all series, if not specified params['search_all_series'] = True params['status'] = self._status try: self._spph = archive.getSourcePackage(self.source, wrapper=self.spph_class, **params) return self._spph except PackageNotFoundException as pnfe: if not self.try_binary or self.binary: # either we don't need to bother trying binary name lookup, # or we've already tried raise pnfe Logger.info('Source package lookup failed, ' 'trying lookup of binary package %s' % self.source) try: bpph = archive.getBinaryPackage(self.source, **params) except PackageNotFoundException as bpnfe: # log binary lookup failure, in case it provides hints Logger.info(str(bpnfe)) # raise the original exception for the source lookup raise pnfe self.binary = self.source self.source = bpph.getSourcePackageName() Logger.info("Using source package '{}' for binary package '{}'" .format(self.source, self.binary)) spph = bpph.getBuild().getSourcePackagePublishingHistory() if spph: self._spph = self.spph_class(spph.self_link) return self._spph # binary build didn't include source link, unfortunately # so try again with the updated self.source name if not self._version: # Get version first if user didn't specify it, as some # binaries have their version hardcoded in their name, # such as the kernel package self._version = Version(bpph.getVersion()) return self.lp_spph @property def version(self): "Return Package version" if not self._version: self._version = Version(self.lp_spph.getVersion()) return self._version @property def component(self): "Cached archive component, in available" if not self._component: Logger.debug('Determining component from Launchpad') self._component = self.lp_spph.getComponent() return self._component @property def dsc_name(self): "Return the source package dsc filename for the given package" return '%s_%s.dsc' % (self.source, self.version.strip_epoch()) @property def dsc_pathname(self): "Return the dsc_name, with the workdir path" return os.path.join(self.workdir, self.dsc_name) @property def dsc(self): "Return a the Dsc" if self._dsc is None: self.pull_dsc() return self._dsc def getDistribution(self): if not self._distribution: self._distribution = Distribution(self.distribution) return self._distribution def getArchive(self): return self.getDistribution().getArchive() def _mirror_url(self, mirror, filename): "Build a source package URL on a mirror" if self.source.startswith('lib'): group = self.source[:4] else: group = self.source[0] return os.path.join(mirror, 'pool', self.component, group, self.source, filename) def _lp_url(self, filename, source=False): "Build an archive file URL on Launchpad" if source: suffix = '+sourcefiles/%s/%s/%s' % ( quote(self.source), quote(self.version.full_version), quote(filename)) else: suffix = '+files/%s' % quote(filename) return 'https://launchpad.net/%s/+archive/primary/%s' % ( quote(self.distribution), suffix) def _source_urls(self, name): "Generator of sources for name" if self._dsc_source: yield os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._dsc_source), name) for mirror in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) for mirror in self.masters: if mirror not in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) yield self._lp_url(name, source=True) def _binary_urls(self, name, default_urls): "Generator of URLs for name" for mirror in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) for mirror in self.masters: if mirror not in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) yield self._lp_url(name) for url in default_urls: yield url def _binary_files_info(self, arch, name, ext): for bpph in self.lp_spph.getBinaries(arch=arch, name=name, ext=ext): urls = bpph.binaryFileUrls() + [bpph.getUrl()] yield (bpph.getFileName(), urls, 0) def pull_dsc(self): "Retrieve dscfile and parse" if self._dsc_source: parsed = urlparse(self._dsc_source) if parsed.scheme == '': self._dsc_source = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(self._dsc_source) parsed = urlparse(self._dsc_source) url = self._dsc_source else: url = self._lp_url(self.dsc_name, source=True) self._download_dsc(url) self._check_dsc() def _download_dsc(self, url): "Download specified dscfile and parse" parsed = urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme == 'file': Logger.debug("Using dsc file '%s'" % parsed.path) with open(parsed.path, 'rb') as f: body = f.read() else: try: Logger.debug("Trying dsc url '%s'" % url) response, body = httplib2.Http().request(url) except httplib2.HttpLib2Error as e: raise DownloadError(e) if response.status != 200: raise DownloadError("%s: %s %s" % (url, response.status, response.reason)) self._dsc = Dsc(body) def _check_dsc(self): "Check that the dsc matches what we are expecting" assert self._dsc is not None self.source = self.dsc['Source'] self._version = Version(self.dsc['Version']) valid = False no_pub_key = False message = None gpg_info = None try: gpg_info = self.dsc.get_gpg_info(( '/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg', '/usr/share/keyrings/debian-maintainers.gpg', )) valid = gpg_info.valid() except IOError: message = ('Signature on %s could not be verified, install ' 'debian-keyring' % self.dsc_name) if message is None: if valid: message = 'Valid signature' else: message = ('Signature on %s could not be verified' % self.dsc_name) if gpg_info is not None: if 'GOODSIG' in gpg_info: message = ('Good signature by %s (0x%s)' % (gpg_info['GOODSIG'][1], gpg_info['GOODSIG'][0])) elif 'VALIDSIG' in gpg_info: message = 'Valid signature by 0x%s' % gpg_info['VALIDSIG'][0] elif 'NO_PUBKEY' in gpg_info: no_pub_key = True message = 'Public key not found, could not verify signature' if self._verify_signature: if valid: Logger.info(message) elif no_pub_key: Logger.warning(message) else: Logger.error(message) raise DownloadError(message) else: Logger.debug(message) def _write_dsc(self): "Write dsc file to workdir" if self._dsc is None: self.pull_dsc() with open(self.dsc_pathname, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.dsc.raw_text) def _download_file_helper(self, f, pathname, size): "Perform the dowload." BLOCKSIZE = 16 * 1024 with open(pathname, 'wb') as out: if not (Logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) and sys.stderr.isatty() and size): shutil.copyfileobj(f, out, BLOCKSIZE) return XTRALEN = len('[] 99%') downloaded = 0 bar_width = 60 term_width = os.get_terminal_size(sys.stderr.fileno())[0] if term_width < bar_width + XTRALEN + 1: bar_width = term_width - XTRALEN - 1 try: while True: block = f.read(BLOCKSIZE) if not block: break out.write(block) downloaded += len(block) pct = float(downloaded) / size bar = ('=' * int(pct * bar_width))[:-1] + '>' fmt = '[{bar:<%d}]{pct:>3}%%\r' % bar_width sys.stderr.write(fmt.format(bar=bar, pct=int(pct * 100))) sys.stderr.flush() finally: sys.stderr.write(' ' * (bar_width + XTRALEN) + '\r') if downloaded < size: Logger.error('Partial download: %0.3f MiB of %0.3f MiB' % (downloaded / 1024.0 / 1024, size / 1024.0 / 1024)) def _download_file(self, url, filename, verify=True, size=0): "Download url to filename in workdir." pathname = os.path.join(self.workdir, filename) if verify: if self.dsc.verify_file(pathname): Logger.debug('Using existing %s', filename) return True size = [entry['size'] for entry in self.dsc['Files'] if entry['name'] == filename] assert len(size) == 1 size = int(size[0]) if urlparse(url).scheme in ["", "file"]: frompath = os.path.abspath(urlparse(url).path) Logger.info("Copying %s from %s" % (filename, frompath)) shutil.copyfile(frompath, pathname) else: try: with closing(urlopen(url)) as f: Logger.debug("Using URL '%s'", f.geturl()) if not size: try: size = int(f.info().get('Content-Length')) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): pass Logger.info('Downloading %s from %s%s' % (filename, urlparse(url).hostname, ' (%0.3f MiB)' % (size / 1024.0 / 1024) if size else '')) self._download_file_helper(f, pathname, size) except HTTPError as e: # It's ok if the file isn't found; we try multiple places to download if e.code == 404: return False raise e if verify and not self.dsc.verify_file(pathname): Logger.error('Checksum for %s does not match.', filename) return False return True def pull(self): "Pull into workdir" self._write_dsc() for entry in self.dsc['Files']: name = entry['name'] for url in self._source_urls(name): try: if self._download_file(url, name): break except HTTPError as e: Logger.info('HTTP Error %i: %s', e.code, str(e)) except URLError as e: Logger.info('URL Error: %s', e.reason) else: raise DownloadError('File %s could not be found' % name) def pull_binaries(self, arch, name=None, ext=None): """Pull binary debs into workdir. If name is specified, only binary packages matching the regex are included. If ext is specified, only binary packages with that ext are included; for example to only download dbgsym ddebs, specify ext='ddeb'. Must specify arch, or use 'all' to pull all archs. Returns the number of files downloaded. """ total = 0 Logger.debug("pull_binaries(arch=%s, name=%s, ext=%s)" % (arch, name, ext)) if not arch: raise RuntimeError("Must specify arch") for (fname, furls, fsize) in self._binary_files_info(arch, name, ext): found = False for url in self._binary_urls(fname, furls): try: if self._download_file(url, fname, False, fsize): found = True break except HTTPError as e: Logger.info('HTTP Error %i: %s', e.code, str(e)) except URLError as e: Logger.info('URL Error: %s', e.reason) if found: total += 1 else: Logger.info("Could not download from any location: %s", fname) return total def verify(self): """Verify that the source package in workdir matches the dsc. Return boolean """ return all(self.dsc.verify_file(os.path.join(self.workdir, entry['name'])) for entry in self.dsc['Files']) def verify_orig(self): """Verify that the .orig files in workdir match the dsc. Return boolean """ orig_re = re.compile(r'.*\.orig(-[^.]+)?\.tar\.[^.]+$') return all(self.dsc.verify_file(os.path.join(self.workdir, entry['name'])) for entry in self.dsc['Files'] if orig_re.match(entry['name'])) def unpack(self, destdir=None): "Unpack in workdir" cmd = ['dpkg-source', '-x', self.dsc_name] if destdir: cmd.append(destdir) Logger.debug(' '.join(cmd)) if subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.workdir): Logger.error('Source unpack failed.') sys.exit(1) def debdiff(self, newpkg, diffstat=False): """Write a debdiff comparing this src pkg to a newer one. Optionally print diffstat. Return the debdiff filename. """ cmd = ['debdiff', self.dsc_name, newpkg.dsc_name] difffn = newpkg.dsc_name[:-3] + 'debdiff' Logger.debug(' '.join(cmd) + ('> %s' % difffn)) with open(difffn, 'w') as f: if subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=self.workdir) > 2: Logger.error('Debdiff failed.') sys.exit(1) if diffstat: cmd = ('diffstat', '-p1', difffn) Logger.debug(' '.join(cmd)) if subprocess.call(cmd): Logger.error('diffstat failed.') sys.exit(1) return os.path.abspath(difffn) class DebianSPPH(SourcePackagePublishingHistory): """SPPH with getBinaries() overridden, as LP doesn't have Debian binaries """ resource_type = 'source_package_publishing_history' def getBinaries(self, arch, name=None, ext=None): Logger.info('Using Snapshot to find binary packages') srcpkg = Snapshot.getSourcePackage(self.getPackageName(), version=self.getVersion()) return srcpkg.getSPPH().getBinaries(arch=arch, name=name, ext=ext) class DebianSourcePackage(SourcePackage): "Download / unpack a Debian source package" distribution = 'debian' spph_class = DebianSPPH def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DebianSourcePackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.masters.append(UDTConfig.defaults['DEBSEC_MIRROR']) # Cached values: self._snapshot_package = None self._snapshot_files = None # Don't bother searching in LP for debian binaries, they aren't there self.try_binary = False # Debian doesn't have 'pockets' if self._pocket: if self._pocket.lower() != 'release': Logger.error("Debian does not use 'pockets', ignoring pocket '%s'", self._pocket) self._pocket = None # Overridden properties/methods: @property def lp_spph(self): "Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry" if not self._spph: try: # superclass will set self._spph return super(DebianSourcePackage, self).lp_spph except PackageNotFoundException: pass except SeriesNotFoundException: pass Logger.info('Package not found in Launchpad, using Snapshot') self._spph = self.snapshot_package.getSPPH() return self._spph @property def component(self): "Cached archive component, in available" if not self._component: Logger.debug('Determining component from Snapshot') self._component = Snapshot.getComponent(self.source, self.version) return self._component def _source_urls(self, name): "Generator of sources for name" wrapped_iterator = super(DebianSourcePackage, self)._source_urls(name) while True: try: yield next(wrapped_iterator) except StopIteration: break yield self.snapshot_files[name] def _binary_files_info(self, arch, name, ext): for f in self.snapshot_package.getBinaryFiles(arch=arch, name=name, ext=ext): yield (f.name, [f.getUrl()], f.size) def pull_dsc(self): "Retrieve dscfile and parse" try: super(DebianSourcePackage, self).pull_dsc() return except DownloadError: pass # Not all Debian Source packages get imported to LP # (or the importer could be lagging) for url in self._source_urls(self.dsc_name): try: self._download_dsc(url) except DownloadError: continue break else: raise DownloadError('dsc could not be found anywhere') self._check_dsc() # Local methods: @property def snapshot_package(self): if not self._snapshot_package: if self._version or self._spph: # as .version uses .lpph, and our .lpph might use us, # only use .version if _version or _spph are set version = self.version.full_version srcpkg = Snapshot.getSourcePackage(self.source, version=version) if not srcpkg: msg = "Package {} {} not found".format(self.source, version) raise PackageNotFoundException(msg) self._snapshot_package = srcpkg else: # we have neither version nor spph, so look up our version using madison Logger.info('Using madison to find latest version number') series = self._series params = {'series': series} if series else {} srcpkg = Madison(self.distribution).getSourcePackage(self.source, **params) if not srcpkg: raise PackageNotFoundException("Package {} not found".format(self.source)) if self.source != srcpkg.name: self.binary = self.source self.source = srcpkg.name self._snapshot_package = srcpkg return self._snapshot_package @property def snapshot_files(self): if not self._snapshot_files: files = self.snapshot_package.getFiles() self._snapshot_files = {f.name: f.getUrl() for f in files} return self._snapshot_files class UbuntuSourcePackage(SourcePackage): "Download / unpack an Ubuntu source package" distribution = 'ubuntu' class PersonalPackageArchiveSourcePackage(UbuntuSourcePackage): "Download / unpack an Ubuntu Personal Package Archive source package" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PersonalPackageArchiveSourcePackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert 'ppa' in kwargs ppa = kwargs['ppa'].split('/') if len(ppa) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid PPA value "%s",' 'must be "/"' % kwargs['ppa']) self._set_ppa(ppa[0], ppa[1]) self.masters = [] def getArchive(self): if not self._ppa: try: self._team = PersonTeam.fetch(self._ppateam) except KeyError: raise ValueError('No user/team "%s" found on Launchpad' % self._ppateam) self._ppa = self._team.getPPAByName(self._ppaname) Logger.debug('Using PPA %s' % self._ppa.web_link) return self._ppa def _set_ppa(self, team, name): self._ppateam = team self._ppaname = name self._team = None self._ppa = None def _lp_url(self, filename, source=False): "Build an archive file URL on Launchpad" if source: suffix = '+sourcefiles/%s/%s/%s' % ( quote(self.source), quote(self.version.full_version), quote(filename)) else: suffix = '+files/%s' % quote(filename) return 'https://launchpad.net/~%s/+archive/%s/%s/%s' % ( quote(self._ppateam), quote(self.distribution), quote(self._ppaname), suffix) class UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage(PersonalPackageArchiveSourcePackage): "Download / unpack an Ubuntu Cloud Archive source package" _ppateam = 'ubuntu-cloud-archive' _ppas = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): series = kwargs.pop('series', None) check_all_series = series is None if not series: series = UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage.getDevelSeries() kwargs['ppa'] = ('%s/%s-staging' % (UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage._ppateam, series)) super(UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._uca_release = series self._check_all_series = check_all_series self.masters = ["http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/"] @classmethod def getDevelSeries(cls): return cls.ppas()[0] @classmethod def ppas(cls): if not cls._ppas: ppas = PersonTeam.fetch(cls._ppateam).getPPAs().keys() ppas = filter(lambda p: p.endswith('-staging'), ppas) ppas = map(lambda p: p.rsplit('-', 1)[0], ppas) ppas = sorted(ppas, reverse=True) if not ppas: raise SeriesNotFoundException('Internal Error: No UCA series found...?') cls._ppas = ppas return list(cls._ppas) @classmethod def isValidRelease(cls, release): return release in cls.ppas() @property def lp_spph(self): "Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry" while True: try: return super(UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage, self).lp_spph except PackageNotFoundException as pnfe: if self._check_all_series and self._set_next_release(): continue raise pnfe def _set_next_release(self): ppas = UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage.ppas() try: r = ppas[ppas.index(self._uca_release) + 1] except IndexError: return False self._uca_release = r self._set_ppa(UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage._ppateam, '%s-staging' % r) return True def getArchive(self): try: return super(UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage, self).getArchive() except ValueError: raise SeriesNotFoundException('UCA release {} not found.'.format(self._uca_release)) class _WebJSON(object): def getHostUrl(self): raise Exception("Not implemented") def load(self, path=''): reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') url = self.getHostUrl() + path Logger.debug("Loading %s" % url) with closing(urlopen(url)) as data: return json.load(reader(data)) # DAKweb madison API # https://github.com/Debian/dak/blob/master/dakweb/queries/madison.py # This is really only useful to easily find the latest version of a # package for a specific series (or unstable). This does not provide # any details at all for older-than-latest package versions. class Madison(_WebJSON): urls = { 'debian': 'https://api.ftp-master.debian.org/madison', 'ubuntu': 'http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi', } def __init__(self, distro='debian'): super(Madison, self).__init__() self._distro = distro # This currently will NOT work with ubuntu; it doesn't support f=json if distro != 'debian': raise InvalidDistroValueError("Madison currently only supports Debian") def getHostUrl(self): return self.urls[self._distro] def getSourcePackage(self, name, series='unstable'): url = "?f=json&package={name}&s={series}".format(name=name, series=series) try: result = self.load(url) except HTTPError: result = None if not result: msg = "Package {} not found in '{}'".format(name, series) raise PackageNotFoundException(msg) versions = list(result[0][name].values())[0] latest = versions[sorted(versions.keys(), reverse=True)[0]] return Snapshot.getSourcePackage(name=latest['source'], version=latest['source_version']) # Snapshot API # https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/mirror/snapshot.debian.org.git/plain/API class _Snapshot(_WebJSON): DEBIAN_COMPONENTS = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"] def getHostUrl(self): return "http://snapshot.debian.org" def getComponent(self, name, version): # unfortunately there is no (easy) way to find the component for older # package versions (madison only lists the most recent versions). # so we have to parse the file path to determine the component :( url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/srcfiles".format(name, version) try: response = self.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url)) except HTTPError: msg = "Package {} version {} not found" raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name, version)) result = response.get('result') info = response.get('fileinfo') if len(result) < 1: msg = "No source files for package {} version {}" raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name, version)) path = info[result[0]['hash']][0]['path'] # this expects the 'component' to follow 'pool[-*]' in the path found_pool = False component = None for s in path.split('/'): if found_pool: component = s break if s.startswith('pool'): found_pool = True if not component: Logger.warning("could not determine component from path %s" % path) return self.DEBIAN_COMPONENTS[0] if component not in self.DEBIAN_COMPONENTS: Logger.warning("unexpected component %s" % component) return component def _get_package(self, name, url, pkginit, version, sort_key): try: results = self.load("/mr/{}/{}/".format(url, name))['result'] except HTTPError: raise PackageNotFoundException("Package {} not found.".format(name)) results = sorted(results, key=lambda r: r[sort_key], reverse=True) results = [pkginit(r) for r in results if version == r['version']] if not results: msg = "Package {name} version {version} not found." raise PackageNotFoundException(msg.format(name=name, version=version)) return results def getSourcePackages(self, name, version): return self._get_package(name, "package", lambda obj: SnapshotSourcePackage(obj, name), version, "version") def getSourcePackage(self, name, version): return self.getSourcePackages(name, version)[0] def getBinaryPackages(self, name, version): return self._get_package(name, "binary", lambda obj: SnapshotBinaryPackage(obj), version, "binary_version") def getBinaryPackage(self, name, version): return self.getBinaryPackages(name, version)[0] Snapshot = _Snapshot() class SnapshotPackage(object): def __init__(self, obj): self._obj = obj self._files = None self._component = None @property def version(self): return self._obj['version'] @property def component(self): if not self._component: self._component = Snapshot.getComponent(self.name, self.version) return self._component class SnapshotSourcePackage(SnapshotPackage): def __init__(self, obj, name): # obj required fields: 'version' super(SnapshotSourcePackage, self).__init__(obj) self.name = name self._binary_files = None self._spph = None def getSPPH(self): if not self._spph: self._spph = SnapshotSPPH(self) return self._spph def getAllFiles(self): return self.getFiles() + self.getBinaryFiles() def getBinaryFiles(self, arch=None, name=None, ext=None): if not self._binary_files: url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/allfiles".format(self.name, self.version) response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url)) info = response['fileinfo'] files = [SnapshotBinaryFile(b['name'], b['version'], self.component, info[r['hash']][0], r['hash'], r['architecture'], self.name) for b in response['result']['binaries'] for r in b['files']] self._binary_files = files bins = list(self._binary_files) if arch: bins = [b for b in bins if b.isArch(arch)] if name: bins = [b for b in bins if re.match(name, b.package_name)] if ext: bins = [b for b in bins if re.match(ext, b.ext)] return bins def getFiles(self): if not self._files: url = "/mr/package/{}/{}/srcfiles".format(self.name, self.version) response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url)) info = response['fileinfo'] self._files = [SnapshotSourceFile(self.name, self.version, self.component, info[r['hash']][0], r['hash']) for r in response['result']] return list(self._files) class SnapshotBinaryPackage(SnapshotPackage): def __init__(self, obj): # obj required fields: 'version', 'binary_version', 'name', 'source' super(SnapshotBinaryPackage, self).__init__(obj) @property def name(self): return self._obj['name'] @property def binary_version(self): return self._obj['binary_version'] @property def source(self): return self._obj['source'] def getBPPH(self, arch): f = self.getFiles(arch) if not f: return None if not arch: raise RuntimeError("Must specify arch") # Can only be 1 binary file for this pkg name/version/arch return f[0].getBPPH() def getFiles(self, arch=None): if not self._files: url = "/mr/binary/{}/{}/binfiles".format(self.name, self.version) response = Snapshot.load("{}?fileinfo=1".format(url)) info = response['fileinfo'] self._files = [SnapshotBinaryFile(self.name, self.version, self.component, info[r['hash']][0], r['hash'], r['architecture'], self.source) for r in response['result']] if not arch: return list(self._files) return [f for f in self._files if f.isArch(arch)] class SnapshotFile(object): def __init__(self, pkg_name, pkg_version, component, obj, h): self.package_name = pkg_name self.package_version = pkg_version self.component = component self._obj = obj self._hash = h @property def getType(self): return None @property def archive_name(self): return self._obj['archive_name'] @property def name(self): return self._obj['name'] @property def ext(self): return self.name.rpartition('.')[2] @property def path(self): return self._obj['path'] @property def size(self): return self._obj['size'] @property def date(self): if 'run' in self._obj: return self._obj['run'] elif 'first_seen' in self._obj: return self._obj['first_seen'] else: Logger.error('File {} has no date information', self.name) return 'unknown' def getHash(self): return self._hash def getUrl(self): return "{}/file/{}".format(Snapshot.getHostUrl(), self.getHash()) def __repr__(self): return "{}/{} {} bytes {}".format(self.path, self.name, self.size, self.date) class SnapshotSourceFile(SnapshotFile): def __init__(self, name, version, component, obj, h): super(SnapshotSourceFile, self).__init__(name, version, component, obj, h) def getType(self): return 'source' class SnapshotBinaryFile(SnapshotFile): def __init__(self, name, version, component, obj, h, arch, source): super(SnapshotBinaryFile, self).__init__(name, version, component, obj, h) self.source = source self.arch = arch self._bpph = None def isArch(self, arch): if not arch: return True if self.arch == 'all': return True return arch == self.arch def getType(self): return 'binary' def getBPPH(self): if not self._bpph: self._bpph = SnapshotBPPH(self) return self._bpph class SnapshotSPPH(object): """Provide the same interface as SourcePackagePublishingHistory""" def __init__(self, snapshot_pkg): self._pkg = snapshot_pkg # LP API defined fields @property def component_name(self): return self.getComponent() @property def display_name(self): return ("{name} {version}" .format(name=self.getPackageName(), version=self.getVersion())) @property def pocket(self): # Debian does not use 'pockets' return 'Release' @property def source_package_name(self): return self.getPackageName() @property def source_package_version(self): return self.getVersion() # SPPH functions def getPackageName(self): return self._pkg.name def getVersion(self): return self._pkg.version def getComponent(self): return self._pkg.component def getChangelog(self, since_version=None): ''' Return the changelog, optionally since a particular version May return None if the changelog isn't available ''' if self._changelog is None: name = self.getPackageName() if name.startswith('lib'): subdir = 'lib%s' % name[3] else: subdir = name[0] pkgversion = Version(self.getVersion()).strip_epoch() base = 'http://packages.debian.org/' url = os.path.join(base, 'changelogs', 'pool', self.getComponent(), subdir, name, name + '_' + pkgversion, 'changelog.txt') try: with closing(urlopen(url)) as f: self._changelog = f.read() except HTTPError as error: Logger.error('{}: {}'.format(url, error)) return None if since_version is None: return self._changelog if isinstance(since_version, str): since_version = Version(since_version) new_entries = [] for block in Changelog(self._changelog): if block.version <= since_version: break new_entries.append(str(block)) return ''.join(new_entries) def getBinaries(self, arch, name=None, ext=None): return [b.getBPPH() for b in self._pkg.getBinaryFiles(arch=arch, name=name, ext=ext)] class SnapshotBPPH(object): """Provide the same interface as BinaryPackagePublishingHistory""" def __init__(self, snapshot_binfile): self._file = snapshot_binfile # LP API defined fields @property def architecture_specific(self): return self._file.arch != 'all' @property def binary_package_name(self): return self.getPackageName() @property def binary_package_version(self): return self.getVersion() @property def component_name(self): return self.getComponent() @property def display_name(self): return ("{name} {version}" .format(name=self.getPackageName(), version=self.getVersion())) @property def pocket(self): # Debian does not use 'pockets' return 'Release' # BPPH functions @property def arch(self): return self._file.arch def getSourcePackageName(self): return self._file.source def getPackageName(self): return self._file.package_name def getVersion(self): return self._file.package_version def getComponent(self): return self._file.component def binaryFileUrls(self): return [self.getUrl()] def getBuild(self): return None def getUrl(self): return self._file.getUrl() def getFileVersion(self): return self.getVersion() def getFileArch(self): return self.arch def getFileExt(self): return self._file.ext def getFileName(self): return self._file.name