#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2006-2008 (C) Kees Cook <kees@ubuntu.com> # Modified by Siegfried-A. Gevatter <rainct@ubuntu.com> # Modified by Daniel Hahler <ubuntu@thequod.de> # License: GPLv2 # Default operation reports only the patch system. Verbose mode can be # enabled with -v if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] then cat <<EOM Usage: $0 [-v] Run this inside the source directory of a Debian package and it will detect the patch system that it uses. -v: Enable verbose mode: - Print a list of all those files outside the debian/ directory that have been modified (if any). - Report additional details about patch systems, if available. EOM exit 0 fi while [ ! -r debian/rules ]; do if [ "$PWD" = "/" ]; then echo "Can't find debian/rules." exit 1 fi cd .. done VERBOSE=0 if [ "$1" = "-v" ] then VERBOSE=1 fi if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 0 ]; then files=`lsdiff -z ../$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Source: | sed -e "s/^Source: //")_$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | sed -e "s/^Version: //").diff.gz 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'debian/'` if [ -n "$files" ] then echo "Following files were modified outside of the debian/ directory:" echo "$files" echo "--------------------" echo echo -n "Patch System: " fi fi # Do not change the output of existing checks by default, as there are build # tools that rely on the exisitng output. If changes in reporting is needed, # please check the "VERBOSE" flag (see below for examples). Feel free # to add new patchsystem detection and reporting. for filename in $(echo "debian/rules"; grep ^include debian/rules | fgrep -v '$(' | awk '{print $2}') do fgrep patchsys.mk "$filename" | grep -q -v "^#" && { if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "cdbs"; exit 0; else echo "cdbs (patchsys.mk: see 'cdbs-edit-patch')"; exit 0; fi } fgrep quilt "$filename" | grep -q -v "^#" && { echo "quilt"; exit 0; } fgrep dbs-build.mk "$filename" | grep -q -v "^#" && { if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "dbs"; exit 0; else echo "dbs (see 'dbs-edit-patch')"; exit 0; fi } fgrep dpatch "$filename" | grep -q -v "^#" && { if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "dpatch"; exit 0; else echo "dpatch (see 'patch-edit-patch')"; exit 0; fi } fgrep '*.diff' "$filename" | grep -q -v "^#" && { if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "diff splash"; exit 0; else echo "diff splash (check debian/rules)"; exit 0; fi } done [ -d debian/patches ] || { if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "patchless?"; exit 0; else echo "patchless? (did not find debian/patches/)"; exit 0; fi } if [ "$VERBOSE" -eq 0 ]; then echo "unknown patch system" else echo "unknown patch system (see debian/patches/ and debian/rules)" fi