# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# (C) 2007 Canonical Ltd., Steve Kowalik
# Authors:
# Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
# Steve Kowalik <stevenk@ubuntu.com>
# License: GPLv2, see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL

import os, os.path, sys, urllib, subprocess, smtplib, getopt

changelog = 1

def cur_version_component(sourcepkg, release):
    madison = subprocess.Popen(['rmadison', '-u', 'ubuntu', '-a', 'source', \
                                '-s', release, sourcepkg], \
    out = madison.communicate()[0]
    assert (madison.returncode == 0)
    for l in out.splitlines():
       (pkg, version, rel, builds) = l.split('|')
       component = 'main'
       if rel.find('/') != -1:
           component = rel.split('/')[1]
       return (version.strip(), component.strip())
    print "%s doesn't appear to exist in %s, specify -n for a package not in Ubuntu." % (sourcepkg, release)

def cur_deb_version(sourcepkg):
    ''' Return the current debian version of a package in unstable '''
    madison = subprocess.Popen(['rmadison', '-u', 'debian', '-a', 'source', \
                                '-s', 'unstable', sourcepkg], \
    out = madison.communicate()[0]
    assert (madison.returncode == 0)

        assert out
    except AssertionError:
        print "%s doesn't appear to exist in Debian." % sourcepkg
    return out.split('|')[1].rstrip('[]''').strip()


def debian_changelog(sourcepkg, component, version):
    '''Return the Debian changelog from the latest up to the given version

    ch = ''
    subdir = sourcepkg[0]
    if sourcepkg.startswith('lib'):
        subdir = 'lib%s' % sourcepkg[3]
    for l in urllib.urlopen('http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/%s/%s/%s/current/changelog.txt' % (component, subdir, sourcepkg)):
        if l.startswith(sourcepkg) and l.find(version + ')') > 0:
        ch += l

    return ch

def debian_component(sourcepkg):
    '''Return the Debian component for the source package.'''
    madison = subprocess.Popen(['rmadison', '-u', 'debian', '-a', 'source', '-s', 'unstable', \
                                sourcepkg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    out = madison.communicate()[0]
    assert (madison.returncode == 0)

        assert out
    except AssertionError:
        print "%s doesn't appear to exist in Debian." % sourcepkg
    raw_comp = out.split('|')[2].split('/')
    component = 'main'
    if len(raw_comp) == 2:
        component = raw_comp[1].strip()
    return component

def usage():
    print """Usage: requestsync [-n|-s|-k <keyid>] <source package> <target release> [basever]

In some cases, the base version (fork point from Debian) cannot be determined
automatically, and you'll get a complete Debian changelog. Specify the correct
base version of the package in Ubuntu."""

# entry point

newsource = False
sponsorship = False
keyid = None
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'nsk:')
except getopt.GetoptError:
for o, a in opts:
    if o == "-n":
        newsource = True
    if o == "-s":
        sponsorship = True
    if o == "-k":
        keyid = a

if len(args) not in (2, 3):

(srcpkg, release) = args[:2]
force_base_ver = None
if len(args) == 3:
    force_base_ver = args[2]
(cur_ver, component) = ('0', 'universe') # Let's assume universe
if not newsource:
    (cur_ver, component) = cur_version_component(srcpkg, release)

debiancomponent = debian_component(srcpkg)

# generate bug report
status = "confirmed"
subscribe = "ubuntu-archive"
deb_version = cur_deb_version(srcpkg)
if sponsorship:
    status = "new"
    if component in ['main', 'restricted']:
        subscribe = "ubuntu-main-sponsors"
        subscribe = "ubuntu-universe-sponsors"

affects = '/%s' % srcpkg
if newsource:
    affects = ''

report = ''' affects ubuntu%s
 status %s
 importance wishlist
 subscribe %s

Please sync %s %s (%s) from Debian unstable (%s).
''' % (affects, status, subscribe, srcpkg, deb_version, component, debiancomponent)

base_ver = cur_ver
uidx = base_ver.find('ubuntu')
if uidx > 0:
    base_ver = base_ver[:uidx]

    print 'Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:'
    explanation = '\nExplanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:\n'
    while (explanation[-2:] != '\n\n'):
        explanation += sys.stdin.readline()
    report += explanation

if changelog:
    uidx = base_ver.find('build')
    if uidx > 0:
        base_ver = base_ver[:uidx]

    if force_base_ver:
        base_ver = force_base_ver

    report += 'Changelog since current %s version %s:\n\n' % (release, cur_ver)
    report += debian_changelog(srcpkg, debiancomponent, base_ver) + '\n'

# sign it
sign_command = 'gpg'
for cmd in ('gpg2', 'gnome-gpg'):
    if os.access('/usr/bin/%s' % cmd, os.X_OK):
        sign_command = cmd

gpg_command = [sign_command, '--clearsign']
if keyid:
    gpg_command.extend(('-u', keyid))

gpg = subprocess.Popen(gpg_command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
signed_report = gpg.communicate(report)[0]
assert gpg.returncode == 0

# generate email
myemailaddr = os.getenv('DEBEMAIL')
if not myemailaddr:
    print "The environment variable DEBEMAIL needs to be set to make use of this script."
to = 'new@bugs.launchpad.net'

mail = '''From: %s
To: %s
Subject: Please sync %s %s (%s) from Debian unstable (%s)

%s''' % (myemailaddr, to, srcpkg, deb_version, component, debiancomponent, signed_report)

print mail

print 'Press enter to file this bug, Control-C to abort'


# get server address
mailserver = os.getenv('DEBSMTP')
if mailserver:
	print 'Using custom SMTP server:', mailserver
else :
	mailserver = 'fiordland.ubuntu.com'

# get server port
mailserver_port = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_PORT')
if mailserver_port:
    print 'Using custom SMTP port:', mailserver_port
    mailserver_port = 25

# connect to the server
s = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver, mailserver_port)

# authenticate to the server
mailserver_user = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_USER')
mailserver_pass = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_PASS')
if mailserver_user and mailserver_pass:
		s.login(mailserver_user, mailserver_pass)
	except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
		print 'Error authenticating to the server: invalid username and password.'
		s.quit(); sys.exit(1)
                print 'Unknown SMTP error.'
                s.quit(); sys.exit(1)

s.sendmail(myemailaddr, to, mail)