# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2007, Canonical, Daniel Holbach # Modified by Andrew Hunter # License: GPLv3 import re import os import sys import string try: import launchpadbugs.connector as Connector except: raise ImportError, "You need python-launchpad-bugs (>= 0.2.14) installed to use ppaput." sys.exit(1) #try: # import apt #except: # raise ImportError, "You need python-apt installed to use ppaput." # sys.exit(1) def dput_check(): if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/dput"): print >> sys.stderr, "You need to install the dput package." sys.exit(1) def find_fixed_launchpad_bug(changesfile): changes = open(changesfile).readlines() for line in changes: if line.startswith("Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed"): return line.split(":")[1].split() return [] def call_dput(location, changes): dput_check() incoming = "" res = False (dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3("dput --debug %s %s" % (location, changes)) text = output.readlines() for line in text: if line.startswith("D: Incoming: "): incoming = line.split("D: Incoming: ")[1].strip() if incoming[-1] == "/": incoming = incoming[:-1] if line.startswith("Successfully uploaded packages."): res = True return (res, incoming) def lookup_dput_host(host): dput_check() (dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3("dput -H | grep ^%s" % host) text = output.read() if text: return text.split()[2] return "" def call_debuild(options): # FIXME: this requires magic, that figures out when to use --native --working, # etc. # if os.path.exists(".bzr") and os.path.exists("/usr/bin/bzr-buildpackage"): # return os.system("bzr bd -S --builder='-k%s %s'" % \ # (os.getenv("DEBEMAIL"), \ # string.join(options, " "))) == 0 # else: return os.system("debuild -S -k%s %s" % \ (os.getenv("DEBEMAIL"), \ string.join(options, " "))) == 0 def get_name_version_section_and_release(): changelogfile = "debian/changelog" if not os.path.exists(changelogfile): print >> sys.stderr, "%s not found." % changelogfile sys.exit(1) controlfile = "debian/control" if not os.path.exists(controlfile): print >> sys.stderr, "%s not found." % controlfile sys.exit(1) head = open(changelogfile).readline() (name, \ version, \ release) = re.findall(r'^(.*)\ \((.*)\)\ (.*?)\;\ .*', head)[0] section = "main" # #Is this nessicary? All ppa install to main now. # # for line in open(controlfile).readlines(): # if line.startswith("Section"): # if line.split("Section: ")[1].count("/")>0: # section = line.split("Section: ")[1].split("/")[0].strip() # return (name, version, section) return (name, version, section, release) def assemble_bug_comment_text(host, incoming, section, sourcepackage, version, release): if host == "ppa.launchpad.net": dsc_file_location = "http://%s/%s/pool/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.dsc" % \ (host, incoming[1:], section, sourcepackage[0], sourcepackage, \ sourcepackage, version) else: # FIXME: this needs to be much much cleverer at some stage dsc_file_location = "http://%s/%s/pool/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.dsc" % \ (host, incoming, section, sourcepackage[0], sourcepackage, version) return """A new version of %s was uploaded to fix this bug. To review the source the current version, please run dget -x %s The package will get built by Launchpad in a while. If you want to test it, please run the following commands: sudo -s echo >> /etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb http://%s/%s %s main universe multiverse restricted" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get install <package> """ % (sourcepackage, dsc_file_location, host, incoming[1:], release) def deal_with_bugreport(bugnumbers, host, section, incoming, sourcepackage, version, release): if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie")): print >> sys.stderr, \ "You need your Launchpad Cookie to be stored in ~/.lpcookie" sys.exit(1) #print apt.Cache()[sourcepackage].section.split("/")[0].count("verse") (dummy, output, dummy) = os.popen3( "apt-cache showsrc %s | grep Directory | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f2" % \ sourcepackage) component = output.read().strip() Bug = Connector.ConnectBug() Bug.authentication = os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie") for bugnumber in bugnumbers: bug = Bug(int(bugnumber)) if component in ["main", "restricted"] and \ 'ubuntu-main-sponsors' not in [str(s) for s in bug.subscribers]: bug.subscribers.add('ubuntu-main-sponsors') if component in ["universe", "multiverse"] and \ 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors' not in [str(s) for s in bug.subscribers]: bug.subscribers.add('ubuntu-universe-sponsors') if not component: bug.tags.append("needs-packaging") comment = Bug.NewComment(text=assemble_bug_comment_text(host, incoming, section, sourcepackage, version, release), subject="Fix in %s (%s)" % \ (sourcepackage, version)) bug.comments.add(comment) if bug.status != "Fix Committed": bug.status = "Fix Committed" bug.commit() def file_bug(sourcepackage, version): Bug = Connector.ConnectBug() Bug.authentication = os.path.expanduser("~/.lpcookie") try: bug = Bug.New(product={"name": sourcepackage, "target": "ubuntu"}, summary="Please sponsor %s %s" % \ (sourcepackage, version), description=\ "The new package will be uploaded to PPA shortly.") except: bug = Bug.New(product={"name": "ubuntu"}, summary="Please sponsor %s %s" % \ (sourcepackage, version), description=\ "The new package will be uploaded to PPA shortly.") print "Successfully filed bug %s: http://launchpad.net/bugs/%s" % \ (bug.bugnumber, bug.bugnumber) return bug.bugnumber