# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2007 Canonical Ltd., Steve Kowalik
# Authors:
#  Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
#  Steve Kowalik <stevenk@ubuntu.com>
#  Michael Bienia <geser@ubuntu.com>
#  Daniel Hahler <ubuntu@thequod.de>
#  Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>
#  Jonathan Davies <jpds@ubuntu.com>
#  Markus Korn <thekorn@gmx.de> (python-launchpadlib support)
# ##################################################################
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 for more details.
# ##################################################################

import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
from debian_bundle.changelog import Version

# ubuntu-dev-tools modules
from ubuntutools.lp import udtexceptions
from ubuntutools.requestsync.common import *
# https_proxy fix
import ubuntutools.common

# entry point

if __name__ == '__main__':
	# Our usage options.
	usage = 'Usage: %prog [-d distro] [-k keyid] [-n] [--lp] [-s] [-e] ' \
		'<source package> [<target release> [base version]]'
	optParser = OptionParser(usage)

	optParser.add_option('-d', type = 'string',
		dest = 'dist', default = 'testing',
		help = 'Debian distribution to sync from.')
	optParser.add_option('-k', type = 'string',
		dest = 'keyid', default = None,
		help = 'GnuPG key ID to use for signing report (only used when emailing the sync request).')
	optParser.add_option('-n', action = 'store_true',
		dest = 'newpkg', default = False,
		help = 'Whether package to sync is a new package in Ubuntu.')
	optParser.add_option('--lp', action = 'store_true',
		dest = 'lpapi', default = False,
		help = 'Specify whether to use the LP API for filing the sync request (recommended).')
	optParser.add_option('-s', action = 'store_true',
		dest = 'sponsorship', default = False,
		help = 'Force sponsorship')
	optParser.add_option('-C', action = 'store_true',
		dest = 'missing_changelog_ok', default = False,
		help = 'Allow changelog to be manually filled in when missing')
	optParser.add_option('-e', action = 'store_true',
		dest = 'ffe', default = False,
		help = 'Use this after FeatureFreeze for non-bug fix syncs, changes ' \
			'default subscription to the appropriate release team.')

	(options, args) = optParser.parse_args()

	if not len(args):

	# import the needed requestsync module
	if options.lpapi:
		from ubuntutools.requestsync.lp import *
		from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import Distribution
		# See if we have LP credentials and exit if we don't - cannot continue in this case
		except IOError:
		from ubuntutools.requestsync.mail import *
		if not getEmailAddress():

	newsource = options.newpkg
	sponsorship = options.sponsorship
	distro = options.dist
	ffe = options.ffe
	lpapi = options.lpapi
	need_interaction = False
	force_base_version = None
	srcpkg = args[0]

	if len(args) == 1:
		if lpapi:
			release = Distribution('ubuntu').getDevelopmentSeries().name
			print >> sys.stderr, 'W: Target release missing - assuming %s' % release
			print >> sys.stderr, 'E: Source package or target release missing. Exiting.'
	elif len(args) == 2:
		release = args[1]
	elif len(args) == 3:
		release = args[1]
		force_base_version = Version(args[2])
		print >> sys.stderr, 'E: Too many arguments.'

	# Get the current Ubuntu source package
		ubuntu_srcpkg = getUbuntuSrcPkg(srcpkg, release)
		ubuntu_version = Version(ubuntu_srcpkg.getVersion())
		ubuntu_component = ubuntu_srcpkg.getComponent()
		newsource = False # override the -n flag
	except udtexceptions.PackageNotFoundException:
		ubuntu_srcpkg = None
		ubuntu_version = Version('~')
		ubuntu_component = 'universe' # let's assume universe
		if not newsource:
			print "'%s' doesn't exist in 'Ubuntu %s'.\nDo you want to sync a new package?" % \
				(srcpkg, release)
			raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc('Press [Enter] to continue or [Ctrl-C] to abort. ')
			newsource = True

	# Get the requested Debian source package
		debian_srcpkg = getDebianSrcPkg(srcpkg, distro)
		debian_version = Version(debian_srcpkg.getVersion())
		debian_component = debian_srcpkg.getComponent()
	except udtexceptions.PackageNotFoundException, e:
		print >> sys.stderr, "E: %s" % e

        # Stop if Ubuntu has already the version from Debian or a newer version
	if ubuntu_version == debian_version:
		print  >> sys.stderr, \
			'E: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already (%s). Aborting.' % ubuntu_version
        if ubuntu_version > debian_version:
            print >> sys.stderr, \
                'E: The version in Ubuntu (%s) is newer than the version in Debian (%s). Aborting.' % (ubuntu_version, debian_version)

	# -s flag not specified - check if we do need sponsorship
	if not sponsorship:
		sponsorship = needSponsorship(srcpkg, ubuntu_component, release)

	# Check for existing package reports
	if not newsource:

	# Generate bug report
	pkg_to_sync = '%s %s (%s) from Debian %s (%s)' % \
		(srcpkg, debian_version, ubuntu_component, distro, debian_component)
	title = "Sync %s" % pkg_to_sync
	if ffe:
		title = "FFe: " + title
	report = "Please sync %s\n\n" % pkg_to_sync

	if 'ubuntu' in str(ubuntu_version):
		need_interaction = True

		print 'Changes have been made to the package in Ubuntu.\n' \
			'Please edit the report and give an explanation.\n' \
			'Not saving the report file will abort the request.'
		report += 'Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:\n' \

	if ffe:
		need_interaction = True

		print 'To approve FeatureFreeze exception, you need to state\n' \
			'the reason why you feel it is necessary.\n' \
			'Not saving the report file will abort the request.'
		report += 'Explanation of FeatureFreeze exception:\n' \

	if need_interaction:
		raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc('Press [Enter] to continue. Press [Ctrl-C] to abort now. ')

	base_version = force_base_version or ubuntu_version

	if newsource:
		report += 'All changelog entries:\n\n'
		report += 'Changelog entries since current %s version %s:\n\n' % (release, ubuntu_version)
	changelog = getDebianChangelog(debian_srcpkg, base_version)
	if not changelog:
		if not options.missing_changelog_ok:
			print >> sys.stderr, "E: Did not retrieve any changelog entries. Do you need to specify '-C'? Was the package recently uploaded? (check http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/)"
			need_interaction = True
			changelog = "XXX FIXME: add changelog here XXX"
	report += changelog

	(title, report) = edit_report(title, report, changes_required = need_interaction)
	if 'XXX FIXME' in report:
		print >> sys.stderr, "E: changelog boilerplate found in report, please manually add changelog when using '-C'"

	# bug status and bug subscriber
	status = 'confirmed'
	subscribe = 'ubuntu-archive'
	if sponsorship:
		status = 'new'
		if ubuntu_component in ('main', 'restricted'):
			subscribe = 'ubuntu-main-sponsors'
			subscribe = 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors'
	if ffe:
		status = 'new'
		if ubuntu_component in ('main', 'restricted'):
			subscribe = 'ubuntu-release'
			subscribe = 'motu-release'

	srcpkg = not newsource and srcpkg or None
	if lpapi:
		# Map status to the values expected by LP API
		mapping = {'new': 'New', 'confirmed': 'Confirmed'}
		# Post sync request using LP API
		postBug(srcpkg, subscribe, mapping[status], title, report)
		# Mail sync request
		mailBug(srcpkg, subscribe, status, title, report, options.keyid)