# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # mail.py - methods used by requestsync when used in "mail" mode # # Copyright © 2009 Michael Bienia , # 2011 Stefano Rivera # # This module may contain code written by other authors/contributors to # the main requestsync script. See there for their names. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # Please see the /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 file for the full text # of the GNU General Public License license. import os import sys import smtplib import socket from debian.changelog import Version from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo from ubuntutools.archive import rmadison, FakeSPPH from ubuntutools.requestsync.common import raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc from ubuntutools import subprocess from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import PackageNotFoundException __all__ = [ 'getDebianSrcPkg', 'getUbuntuSrcPkg', 'needSponsorship', 'checkExistingReports', 'mailBug', ] def getSrcPkg(distro, name, release): if distro == 'debian': # Canonicalise release: debian_info = DebianDistroInfo() release = debian_info.codename(release, default=release) lines = list(rmadison(distro, name, suite=release, arch='source')) if not lines: raise PackageNotFoundException("'%s' doesn't appear to exist " "in %s '%s'" % (name, distro.capitalize(), release)) pkg = max(lines, key=lambda x: Version(x['version'])) return FakeSPPH(pkg['source'], pkg['version'], pkg['component']) def getDebianSrcPkg(name, release): return getSrcPkg('debian', name, release) def getUbuntuSrcPkg(name, release): return getSrcPkg('ubuntu', name, release) def needSponsorship(name, component, release): ''' Ask the user if he has upload permissions for the package or the component. ''' while True: print ("Do you have upload permissions for the '%s' component " "or the package '%s' in Ubuntu %s?" % (component, name, release)) val = raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc("If in doubt answer 'n'. [y/N]? ") if val.lower() in ('y', 'yes'): return False elif val.lower() in ('n', 'no', ''): return True else: print 'Invalid answer' def checkExistingReports(srcpkg): ''' Point the user to the URL to manually check for duplicate bug reports. ''' print ('Please check on ' 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/+bugs\n' 'for duplicate sync requests before continuing.' % srcpkg) raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc('Press [Enter] to continue or [Ctrl-C] to abort. ') def mailBug(srcpkg, subscribe, status, bugtitle, bugtext, bug_mail_domain, keyid, myemailaddr, mailserver_host, mailserver_port, mailserver_user, mailserver_pass): ''' Submit the sync request per email. ''' to = 'new@' + bug_mail_domain # generate mailbody if srcpkg: mailbody = ' affects ubuntu/%s\n' % srcpkg else: mailbody = ' affects ubuntu\n' mailbody += '''\ status %s importance wishlist subscribe %s done %s''' % (status, subscribe, bugtext) # prepare sign command gpg_command = None for cmd in ('gpg', 'gpg2', 'gnome-gpg'): if os.access('/usr/bin/%s' % cmd, os.X_OK): gpg_command = [cmd] assert gpg_command # TODO: catch exception and produce error message gpg_command.append('--clearsign') if keyid: gpg_command.extend(('-u', keyid)) # sign the mail body gpg = subprocess.Popen(gpg_command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) signed_report = gpg.communicate(mailbody.encode('utf-8'))[0].decode('utf-8') assert gpg.returncode == 0 # generate email mail = u'''\ From: %s To: %s Subject: %s Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 %s''' % (myemailaddr, to, bugtitle, signed_report) print 'The final report is:\n%s' % mail raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc('Press [Enter] to continue or [Ctrl-C] to abort. ') # connect to the server try: print 'Connecting to %s:%s ...' % (mailserver_host, mailserver_port) s = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver_host, mailserver_port) except socket.error, s: print >> sys.stderr, 'E: Could not connect to %s:%s: %s (%i)' % \ (mailserver_host, mailserver_port, s[1], s[0]) return if mailserver_user and mailserver_pass: try: s.login(mailserver_user, mailserver_pass) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: print >> sys.stderr, ('E: Error authenticating to the server: ' 'invalid username and password.') s.quit() return except: print >> sys.stderr, 'E: Unknown SMTP error.' s.quit() return s.sendmail(myemailaddr, to, mail.encode('utf-8')) s.quit() print 'Sync request mailed.'