# misc.py - misc functions for the Ubuntu Developer Tools scripts.
# Copyright (C) 2008,      Jonathan Davies <jpds@ubuntu.com>,
#               2008-2009, Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals <rainct@ubuntu.com>,
#               2010,      Stefano Rivera <stefanor@ubuntu.com>
#               2011,      Evan Broder <evan@ebroder.net>
# ##################################################################
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for more details.
# ##################################################################

import distro_info
import hashlib
import locale
import os
import requests
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile

from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import PocketDoesNotExistError

import logging
Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_POCKETS = ('Release', 'Security', 'Updates', 'Proposed')

DEFAULT_STATUSES = ('Pending', 'Published')
STATUSES = DEFAULT_STATUSES + ('Superseded', 'Deleted', 'Obsolete')

UPLOAD_QUEUE_STATUSES = ('New', 'Unapproved', 'Accepted', 'Done', 'Rejected')

_system_distribution_chain = []

class DownloadError(Exception):
    "Unable to pull a source package"

class NotFoundError(DownloadError):
    "Source package not found"

def system_distribution_chain():
    """ system_distribution_chain() -> [string]

    Detect the system's distribution as well as all of its parent
    distributions and return them as a list of strings, with the
    system distribution first (and the greatest grandparent last). If
    the distribution chain can't be determined, print an error message
    and return an empty list.
    global _system_distribution_chain
    if len(_system_distribution_chain) == 0:
            vendor = check_output(('dpkg-vendor', '--query', 'Vendor'),
        except CalledProcessError:
            Logger.error('Could not determine what distribution you are running.')
            return []

        while True:
                parent = check_output((
                    'dpkg-vendor', '--vendor', _system_distribution_chain[-1],
                    '--query', 'Parent'), encoding='utf-8').strip()
            except CalledProcessError:
                # Vendor has no parent

    return _system_distribution_chain

def system_distribution():
    """ system_distro() -> string

    Detect the system's distribution and return it as a string. If the
    name of the distribution can't be determined, print an error message
    and return None.
    return system_distribution_chain()[0]

def host_architecture():
    """ host_architecture -> string

    Detect the host's architecture and return it as a string. If the
    architecture can't be determined, print an error message and return None.

        arch = check_output(('dpkg', '--print-architecture'),
    except CalledProcessError:
        arch = None

    if not arch or 'not found' in arch:
        Logger.error('Not running on a Debian based system; '
                     'could not detect its architecture.')
        return None

    return arch

def readlist(filename, uniq=True):
    """ readlist(filename, uniq) -> list

    Read a list of words from the indicated file. If 'uniq' is True, filter
    out duplicated words.
    p = Path(filename)

    if not p.is_file():
        Logger.error(f'File {p} does not exist.')
        return False

    content = p.read_text().replace('\n', ' ').replace(',', ' ')

    if not content.strip():
        Logger.error(f'File {p} is empty.')
        return False

    items = [item for item in content.split() if item]

    if uniq:
        items = list(set(items))

    return items

def split_release_pocket(release, default='Release'):
    '''Splits the release and pocket name.

    If the argument doesn't contain a pocket name then the 'Release' pocket
    is assumed.

    Returns the release and pocket name.
    pocket = default

    if release is None:
        raise ValueError('No release name specified')

    if '-' in release:
        (release, pocket) = release.rsplit('-', 1)
        pocket = pocket.capitalize()

        if pocket not in POCKETS:
            raise PocketDoesNotExistError("Pocket '%s' does not exist." % pocket)

    return (release, pocket)

def require_utf8():
    '''Can be called by programs that only function in UTF-8 locales'''
    if locale.getpreferredencoding() != 'UTF-8':
        Logger.error("This program only functions in a UTF-8 locale. Aborting.")

_vendor_to_distroinfo = {"Debian": distro_info.DebianDistroInfo,
                         "Ubuntu": distro_info.UbuntuDistroInfo}

def vendor_to_distroinfo(vendor):
    """ vendor_to_distroinfo(string) -> DistroInfo class

    Convert a string name of a distribution into a DistroInfo subclass
    representing that distribution, or None if the distribution is
    return _vendor_to_distroinfo.get(vendor)

def codename_to_distribution(codename):
    """ codename_to_distribution(string) -> string

    Finds a given release codename in your distribution's genaology
    (i.e. looking at the current distribution and its parents), or
    print an error message and return None if it can't be found
    for distro in system_distribution_chain() + ["Ubuntu", "Debian"]:
        info = vendor_to_distroinfo(distro)
        if not info:

        if info().valid(codename):
            return distro

def verify_file_checksums(pathname, checksums={}, size=0):
    """ verify checksums of file

    Any failure will log an error.

    pathname: str or Path
        full path to file
    checksums: dict
        keys are alg name, values are expected checksum
    size: int
        size of file, if known

    Returns True if all checks pass, False otherwise
    p = Path(pathname)

    if not p.is_file():
        Logger.error(f'File {p} not found')
        return False
    filesize = p.stat().st_size
    if size and size != filesize:
        Logger.error(f'File {p} incorrect size, got {filesize} expected {size}')
        return False

    for (alg, checksum) in checksums.items():
        h = hashlib.new(alg)
        with p.open('rb') as f:
            while True:
                block = f.read(h.block_size)
                if len(block) == 0:
        digest = h.hexdigest()
        if digest == checksum:
            Logger.debug(f'File {p} checksum ({alg}) verified: {checksum}')
            Logger.error(f'File {p} checksum ({alg}) mismatch: got {digest} expected {checksum}')
            return False
    return True

def verify_file_checksum(pathname, alg, checksum, size=0):
    """ verify checksum of file

    pathname: str or Path
        full path to file
    alg: str
        name of checksum alg
    checksum: str
        expected checksum
    size: int
        size of file, if known

    Returns True if all checks pass, False otherwise
    return verify_file_checksums(pathname, {alg: checksum}, size)

def extract_authentication(url):
    """ Remove plaintext authentication data from a URL

    If the URL has a username:password in its netloc, this removes it
    and returns the remaining URL, along with the username and password
    separately. If no authentication data is in the netloc, this just
    returns the URL unchanged with None for the username and password.

    This returns a tuple in the form (url, username, password)
    u = urlparse(url)
    if u.username or u.password:
        return (u._replace(netloc=u.hostname).geturl(), u.username, u.password)
    return (url, None, None)

def download(src, dst, size=0):
    """ download/copy a file/url to local file

    src: str or Path
        Source to copy from (file path or url)
    dst: str or Path
        Destination dir or filename
    size: int
        Size of source, if known

    If the URL contains authentication data in the URL 'netloc',
    it will be stripped from the URL and passed to the requests library.

    This may throw a DownloadError.
    src = str(src)
    parsedsrc = urlparse(src)

    dst = Path(dst).expanduser().resolve()
    if dst.is_dir():
        dst = dst / Path(parsedsrc.path).name

    # Copy if src is a local file
    if parsedsrc.scheme in ['', 'file']:
        src = Path(parsedsrc.path).expanduser().resolve()
        if src != parsedsrc.path:
            Logger.info(f'Parsed {parsedsrc.path} as {src}')
        if not src.exists():
            raise NotFoundError(f'Source file {src} not found')
        if dst.exists():
            if src.samefile(dst):
                Logger.info(f'Using existing file {dst}')
            Logger.info(f'Replacing existing file {dst}')
        Logger.info(f'Copying file {src} to {dst}')
        shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

    (src, username, password) = extract_authentication(src)
    auth = (username, password) if username or password else None

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        tmpdst = Path(d) / 'dst'
            with requests.get(src, stream=True, auth=auth) as fsrc, tmpdst.open('wb') as fdst:
                _download(fsrc, fdst, size)
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
            if e.response is not None and e.response.status_code == 404:
                raise NotFoundError(f'URL {src} not found: {e}')
            raise DownloadError(e)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
            # This is likely a archive hostname that doesn't resolve, like 'ftpmaster.internal'
            raise NotFoundError(f'URL {src} not found: {e}')
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            raise DownloadError(e)
        shutil.move(tmpdst, dst)

def _download(fsrc, fdst, size):
    """ helper method to download src to dst using requests library. """
    url = fsrc.url
    Logger.debug(f'Using URL: {url}')

    if not size:
        with suppress(AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
            size = int(fsrc.headers.get('Content-Length'))

    parsed = urlparse(url)
    filename = Path(parsed.path).name
    hostname = parsed.hostname
    sizemb = ' (%0.3f MiB)' % (size / 1024.0 / 1024) if size else ''
    Logger.info(f'Downloading {filename} from {hostname}{sizemb}')

    if not all((Logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO), sys.stderr.isatty(), size)):
        shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc.raw, fdst)

    blocksize = 4096
    XTRALEN = len('[] 99%')
    downloaded = 0
    bar_width = 60
    term_width = os.get_terminal_size(sys.stderr.fileno())[0]
    if term_width < bar_width + XTRALEN + 1:
        bar_width = term_width - XTRALEN - 1

        while True:
            block = fsrc.raw.read(blocksize)
            if not block:
            downloaded += len(block)
            pct = float(downloaded) / size
            bar = ('=' * int(pct * bar_width))[:-1] + '>'
            fmt = '\r[{bar:<%d}]{pct:>3}%%\r' % bar_width
            sys.stderr.write(fmt.format(bar=bar, pct=int(pct * 100)))
        sys.stderr.write('\r' + ' ' * (term_width - 1) + '\r')
        if downloaded < size:
            Logger.error('Partial download: %0.3f MiB of %0.3f MiB' %
                         (downloaded / 1024.0 / 1024,
                          size / 1024.0 / 1024))

def _download_text(src, binary):
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d:
        dst = Path(d) / 'dst'
        download(src, dst)
        return dst.read_bytes() if binary else dst.read_text()

def download_text(src, mode=None):
    """ Return the text content of a downloaded file

    src: str or Path
        Source to copy from (file path or url)
    mode: str
        Deprecated, ignored unless a string that contains 'b'

    Raises the same exceptions as download()

    Returns text content of downloaded file
    return _download_text(src, binary='b' in (mode or ''))

def download_bytes(src):
    """ Same as download_text() but returns bytes """
    return _download_text(src, binary=True)