# # main.py - main function for sponsor-patch script # # Copyright (C) 2010, Benjamin Drung # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import os import pwd import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import debian.changelog import debian.deb822 import launchpadlib.launchpad import ubuntutools.update_maintainer from ubuntutools.logger import Logger from ubuntutools.question import input_number, boolean_question, yes_edit_no_question from ubuntutools.sponsor_patch.bugtask import BugTask from ubuntutools.sponsor_patch.patch import Patch USER_ABORT = 2 def get_source_package_name(bug_task): package = None if bug_task.bug_target_name != "ubuntu": assert bug_task.bug_target_name.endswith("(Ubuntu)") package = bug_task.bug_target_name.split(" ")[0] return package def get_user_shell(): try: shell = os.environ["SHELL"] except KeyError: shell = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[6] return shell def edit_source(): # Spawn shell to allow modifications cmd = [get_user_shell()] Logger.command(cmd) print """An interactive shell was launched in file://%s Edit your files. When you are done, exit the shell. If you wish to abort the process, exit the shell such that it returns an exit code other than zero. """ % (os.getcwd()), returncode = subprocess.call(cmd) if returncode != 0: Logger.error("Shell exited with exit value %i." % (returncode)) sys.exit(1) def get_fixed_lauchpad_bugs(changes_file): assert os.path.isfile(changes_file), "%s does not exist." % (changes_file) changes = debian.deb822.Changes(file(changes_file)) fixed_bugs = [] if "Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed" in changes: fixed_bugs = changes["Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed"].split(" ") fixed_bugs = map(int, fixed_bugs) return fixed_bugs def strip_epoch(version): """Removes the epoch from a Debian version string. strip_epoch(1:1.52-1) will return "1.52-1" and strip_epoch(1.1.3-1) will return "1.1.3-1". """ parts = version.full_version.split(':') if len(parts) > 1: del parts[0] version_without_epoch = ':'.join(parts) return version_without_epoch def ask_for_manual_fixing(): if not boolean_question("Do you want to resolve this issue manually", True): print "Abort." sys.exit(USER_ABORT) def get_patch_or_branch(bug): patch = None branch = None attached_patches = filter(lambda a: a.type == "Patch", bug.attachments) linked_branches = map(lambda b: b.branch, bug.linked_branches) if len(attached_patches) == 0 and len(linked_branches) == 0: if len(bug.attachments) == 0: Logger.error("No attachment and no linked branch found on bug #%i." \ % (bug.id)) else: Logger.error(("No attached patch and no linked branch found. Go " \ "to https://launchpad.net/bugs/%i and mark an " \ "attachment as patch.") % (bug.id)) sys.exit(1) elif len(attached_patches) == 1 and len(linked_branches) == 0: patch = attached_patches[0] elif len(attached_patches) == 0 and len(linked_branches) == 1: branch = linked_branches[0].bzr_identity else: if len(attached_patches) == 0: Logger.normal("https://launchpad.net/bugs/%i has %i branches " \ "linked:" % (bug.id, len(linked_branches))) elif len(linked_branches) == 0: Logger.normal("https://launchpad.net/bugs/%i has %i patches" \ " attached:" % (bug.id, len(attached_patches))) else: Logger.normal("https://launchpad.net/bugs/%i has %i branch(es)" \ " linked and %i patch(es) attached:" % \ (bug.id, len(linked_branches), len(attached_patches))) i = 0 for linked_branch in linked_branches: i += 1 print "%i) %s" % (i, linked_branch.display_name) for attached_patch in attached_patches: i += 1 print "%i) %s" % (i, attached_patch.title) selected = input_number("Which branch or patch do you want to download", 1, i, i) if selected <= len(linked_branches): branch = linked_branches[selected - 1].bzr_identity else: patch = attached_patches[selected - len(linked_branches) - 1] return (patch, branch) def download_patch(patch): patch_filename = re.sub(" ", "_", patch.title) if not reduce(lambda r, x: r or patch.title.endswith(x), (".debdiff", ".diff", ".patch"), False): Logger.info("Patch %s does not have a proper file extension." % \ (patch.title)) patch_filename += ".patch" Logger.info("Downloading %s." % (patch_filename)) patch_file = open(patch_filename, "w") patch_file.write(patch.data.open().read()) patch_file.close() return Patch(patch_filename) def download_branch(branch): dir_name = os.path.basename(branch) if os.path.isdir(dir_name): shutil.rmtree(dir_name) cmd = ["bzr", "branch", branch] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Failed to download branch %s." % (branch)) sys.exit(1) return dir_name def merge_branch(branch): edit = False cmd = ["bzr", "merge", branch] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Failed to merge branch %s." % (branch)) ask_for_manual_fixing() edit = True return edit def extract_source(dsc_file, verbose=False): cmd = ["dpkg-source", "--no-preparation", "-x", dsc_file] if not verbose: cmd.insert(1, "-q") Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Extraction of %s failed." % (os.path.basename(dsc_file))) sys.exit(1) def apply_patch(task, patch): edit = False if patch.is_debdiff(): cmd = ["patch", "--merge", "--force", "-p", str(patch.get_strip_level()), "-i", patch.full_path] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Failed to apply debdiff %s to %s %s." % \ (patch.get_name(), task.package, task.get_version())) if not edit: ask_for_manual_fixing() edit = True else: # FIXME: edit-patch needs a non-interactive mode # https://launchpad.net/bugs/612566 cmd = ["edit-patch", patch.full_path] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Failed to apply diff %s to %s %s." % \ (patch.get_name(), task.package, task.get_version())) if not edit: ask_for_manual_fixing() edit = True return edit def main(bug_number, update, build, edit, keyid, upload, workdir, builder, verbose=False): workdir = os.path.expanduser(workdir) if not os.path.isdir(workdir): try: os.makedirs(workdir) except os.error, error: Logger.error("Failed to create the working directory %s [Errno " \ "%i]: %s." % (workdir, error.errno, error.strerror)) sys.exit(1) if workdir != os.getcwd(): Logger.command(["cd", workdir]) os.chdir(workdir) lp = launchpadlib.launchpad.Launchpad.login_anonymously("sponsor-patch", "production") bug = lp.bugs[bug_number] (patch, branch) = get_patch_or_branch(bug) bug_tasks = map(lambda x: BugTask(x, lp), bug.bug_tasks) ubuntu_tasks = filter(lambda x: x.is_ubuntu_task(), bug_tasks) if len(ubuntu_tasks) == 0: Logger.error("No Ubuntu bug task found on bug #%i." % (bug_number)) sys.exit(1) elif len(ubuntu_tasks) == 1: task = ubuntu_tasks[0] if len(ubuntu_tasks) > 1: if verbose: Logger.info("%i Ubuntu tasks exist for bug #%i." % \ (len(ubuntu_tasks), bug_number)) for task in ubuntu_tasks: print task.get_short_info() open_ubuntu_tasks = filter(lambda x: not x.is_complete(), ubuntu_tasks) if len(open_ubuntu_tasks) == 1: task = open_ubuntu_tasks[0] else: Logger.normal("https://launchpad.net/bugs/%i has %i Ubuntu tasks:" \ % (bug_number, len(ubuntu_tasks))) for i in xrange(len(ubuntu_tasks)): print "%i) %s" % (i + 1, ubuntu_tasks[i].get_package_and_series()) selected = input_number("To which Ubuntu tasks do the patch belong", 1, len(ubuntu_tasks)) task = ubuntu_tasks[selected - 1] Logger.info("Selected Ubuntu task: %s" % (task.get_short_info())) dsc_file = task.download_source() assert os.path.isfile(dsc_file), "%s does not exist." % (dsc_file) if patch: patch = download_patch(patch) Logger.info("Ubuntu package: %s" % (task.package)) if task.is_merge(): Logger.info("The task is a merge request.") extract_source(dsc_file, verbose) # change directory directory = task.package + '-' + task.get_version().upstream_version Logger.command(["cd", directory]) os.chdir(directory) edit |= apply_patch(task, patch) elif branch: branch_dir = download_branch(task.get_branch_link()) # change directory Logger.command(["cd", branch_dir]) os.chdir(branch_dir) edit |= merge_branch(branch) while True: if edit: edit_source() # All following loop executions require manual editing. edit = True # update the Maintainer field Logger.command(["update-maintainer"]) if ubuntutools.update_maintainer.update_maintainer(verbose) != 0: Logger.error("update-maintainer script failed.") sys.exit(1) # Get new version of package changelog = debian.changelog.Changelog(file("debian/changelog")) try: new_version = changelog.get_version() except IndexError: Logger.error("Debian package version could not be determined. " \ "debian/changelog is probably malformed.") ask_for_manual_fixing() continue # Check if version of the new package is greater than the version in # the archive. if new_version <= task.get_version(): Logger.error("The version %s is not greater than the already " \ "available %s." % (new_version, task.get_version())) ask_for_manual_fixing() continue cmd = ["dch", "--maintmaint", "--edit", ""] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.info("Failed to update timestamp in debian/changelog.") # Build source package if patch: cmd = ['debuild', '--no-lintian', '-S'] elif branch: cmd = ['bzr', 'bd', '-S', '--', '--no-lintian'] previous_version = task.get_previous_version() cmd.append("-v" + previous_version.full_version) if previous_version.upstream_version == changelog.upstream_version and \ upload == "ubuntu": # FIXME: Add proper check that catches cases like changed # compression (.tar.gz -> tar.bz2) and multiple orig source tarballs cmd.append("-sd") else: cmd.append("-sa") if not keyid is None: cmd += ["-k" + keyid] env = os.environ if upload == 'ubuntu': env['DEB_VENDOR'] = 'Ubuntu' Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd, env=env) != 0: Logger.error("Failed to build source tarball.") # TODO: Add a "retry" option ask_for_manual_fixing() continue # Generate debdiff new_dsc_file = os.path.join(workdir, task.package + "_" + strip_epoch(new_version) + ".dsc") assert os.path.isfile(dsc_file), "%s does not exist." % (dsc_file) assert os.path.isfile(new_dsc_file), "%s does not exist." % \ (new_dsc_file) cmd = ["debdiff", dsc_file, new_dsc_file] debdiff_name = task.package + "_" + strip_epoch(new_version) + \ ".debdiff" debdiff_filename = os.path.join(workdir, debdiff_name) if not verbose: cmd.insert(1, "-q") Logger.command(cmd + [">", debdiff_filename]) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) debdiff = process.communicate()[0] # write debdiff file debdiff_file = open(debdiff_filename, "w") debdiff_file.writelines(debdiff) debdiff_file.close() # Make sure that the Launchpad bug will be closed changes_file = new_dsc_file[:-4] + "_source.changes" if bug_number not in get_fixed_lauchpad_bugs(changes_file): Logger.error("Launchpad bug #%i is not closed by new version." % \ (bug_number)) ask_for_manual_fixing() continue ubuntu = lp.distributions['ubuntu'] devel_series = ubuntu.current_series.name supported_series = [series.name for series in ubuntu.series if series.active and series.name != devel_series] # Make sure that the target is correct if upload == "ubuntu": allowed = map(lambda s: s + "-proposed", supported_series) + \ [devel_series] if changelog.distributions not in allowed: Logger.error("%s is not an allowed series. It needs to be one " \ "of %s." % (changelog.distributions, ", ".join(allowed))) ask_for_manual_fixing() continue elif upload and upload.startwith("ppa/"): allowed = supported_series + [devel_series] if changelog.distributions not in allowed: Logger.error("%s is not an allowed series. It needs to be one " \ "of %s." % (changelog.distributions, ", ".join(allowed))) ask_for_manual_fixing() continue if build: dist = re.sub("-.*$", "", changelog.distributions) if update: ret = builder.update(dist) if ret != 0: Logger.error("Failed to update %s chroot for %s." % \ (dist, builder.get_name())) ask_for_manual_fixing() continue # We want to update the build environment only once, but not # after every manual fix. update = False buildresult = os.path.join(workdir, task.package + "-buildresult") if not os.path.isdir(buildresult): os.makedirs(buildresult) # build package result = builder.build(new_dsc_file, dist, buildresult) if result != 0: Logger.error("Failed to build %s from source with %s." % \ (os.path.basename(new_dsc_file), builder.get_name())) # TODO: Add "retry" and "update" option ask_for_manual_fixing() continue # Check lintian changes_name = task.package + "_" + strip_epoch(new_version) + \ "_" + builder.get_architecture() + ".changes" build_changes = os.path.join(buildresult, changes_name) assert os.path.isfile(build_changes), "%s does not exist." % \ (build_changes) cmd = ["lintian", "-IE", "--pedantic", "-q", build_changes] lintian_filename = os.path.join(workdir, task.package + "_" + strip_epoch(new_version) + ".lintian") Logger.command(cmd + [">", lintian_filename]) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) report = process.communicate()[0] # write lintian report file lintian_file = open(lintian_filename, "w") lintian_file.writelines(report) lintian_file.close() # Upload package if upload: if upload == "ubuntu": build_name = task.package + "_" + strip_epoch(new_version) + \ "_" + builder.get_architecture() + ".build" build_log = os.path.join(buildresult, build_name) print "Please check %s %s carefully:\nfile://%s\nfile://%s\n" \ "file://%s" % (task.package, new_version, debdiff_filename, lintian_filename, build_log) answer = yes_edit_no_question("Do you want to upload the " \ "package to the official " \ "Ubuntu archive", "yes") if answer == "edit": continue elif answer == "no": print "Abort." sys.exit(USER_ABORT) cmd = ["dput", "--force", upload, changes_file] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error("Upload of %s to %s failed." % \ (os.path.basename(changes_file), upload)) sys.exit(1) if branch: cmd = ['debcommit'] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error('Bzr commit failed.') sys.exit(1) cmd = ['bzr', 'mark-uploaded'] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error('Bzr tagging failed.') sys.exit(1) cmd = ['bzr', 'push', ':parent'] Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: Logger.error('Bzr push failed.') sys.exit(1) # Leave while loop if everything worked break