.TH BACKPORTPACKAGE "1" "December 2010" "ubuntu-dev-tools" .SH NAME backportpackage \- helper to test package backports .SH SYNOPSIS .TP .B backportpackage \fR[\fIadditional options\fR] \-\-to <\fIdest release\fR> .br \-\-upload <\fIupload target\fR> .br <\fIsource package\fR> .PP .B backportpackage \-h .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-u \fIUPLOAD\fR, \-\-upload=\fIUPLOAD\fR \fBRequired\fR. Upload to \fIUPLOAD\fR with \fBdput\fR(1) (after confirmation). .TP .BR \-t \fIDEST\fR, \-\-to=\fIDEST\fR \fBRequired\fR. Backport the package to the specified Ubuntu release. This option may be specified multiple times, but must be specified at least once. .TP .BR \-f \fISOURCE\fR, \-\-from=\fISOURCE\fR Backport the package from the specified Ubuntu release. If neither this option nor \fB\-\-version\fR are specified, then \fBbackportpackage\fR defaults to the current Ubuntu development release. .TP .BR \-v \fIVERSION\fR, \-\-version=\fIVERSION\fR If the \fB\-\-from\fR option is specified, then \fBbackportpackage\fR verifies that the current version of \fIsource package\fR in \fISOURCE\fR is the same as \fIVERSION\fR. Otherwise, \fBbackportpackage\fR finds version \fIVERSION\fR of \fIsource package\fR, regardless of the release in which it was published (or if that version is still current). .TP .BR \-l \fIINSTANCE\fR, \-\-launchpad=\fIINSTANCE\fR Use the specified instance of Launchpad (e.g. "staging"), instead of the default of "production". .SH DESCRIPTION \fBbackportpackage\fR fetches a package from one Ubuntu release and creates a no-change backport of that package to a previous release, uploading the resulting backport for testing. .PP The backported package is fetched and built in a temporary directory in \fB/tmp\fR, which is removed once the script finishes running. .PP \fBbackportpackage\fR is only recommended for testing backports in a PPA, not uploading backports to the Ubuntu archive. .SH AUTHOR \fBbackportpackage\fR and this manpage were written by Evan Broder .PP Both are released under GNU General Public License, version 2.