# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # lpapiwrapper.py - wrapper class around the LP API for use in the # ubuntu-dev-tools package # # Copyright © 2009 Michael Bienia # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # Please see the /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file for the full text # of the GNU General Public License license. # # Based on code written by Jonathan Davies # Uncomment for tracing LP API calls #import httplib2 #httplib2.debuglevel = 1 import libsupport from launchpadlib.errors import HTTPError from launchpadlib.resource import Entry from udtexceptions import * __all__ = ['LpApiWrapper'] class Launchpad(object): ''' Singleton for LP API access. ''' __lp = None def login(self): ''' Enforce a login through the LP API. ''' if not self.__lp: self.__lp = libsupport.get_launchpad('ubuntu-dev-tools') return self def __getattr__(self, attr): if not self.__lp: self.login() return getattr(self.__lp, attr) def __call__(self): return self Launchpad = Launchpad() class LpApiWrapper(object): ''' Wrapper around some common used LP API functions used in ubuntu-dev-tools. ''' _me = None @classmethod def getMe(cls): ''' Returns a PersonTeam object of the currently authenticated LP user. ''' if not cls._me: cls._me = PersonTeam(Launchpad.me) return cls._me @classmethod def getUbuntuDistribution(cls): ''' Returns a Distibution object for Ubuntu. ''' return Distribution('ubuntu') @classmethod def getUbuntuSourcePackage(cls, name, series, pocket = 'Release'): ''' Finds an Ubuntu source package on LP. Returns a wrapped LP representation of the source package. If the package does not exist: raise PackageNotFoundException ''' return cls.getUbuntuDistribution().getArchive().getSourcePackage(name, series, pocket) @classmethod def canUploadPackage(cls, srcpkg, series = None): ''' Check if the currently authenticated LP user has upload rights for package either through component upload rights or per-package upload rights. 'package' can either be a SourcePackage object or a string and an Ubuntu series. If 'package' doesn't exist yet in Ubuntu assume 'universe' for component. ''' component = 'universe' archive = cls.getUbuntuDistribution().getArchive() if isinstance(srcpkg, SourcePackage): package = srcpkg.getPackageName() component = srcpkg.getComponent() else: if not series: series = cls.getUbuntuDistribution().getDevelopmentSeries() try: srcpkg = archive.getSourcePackage(srcpkg, series) package = srcpkg.getPackageName() component = srcpkg.getComponent() except PackageNotFoundException: package = None return cls.getMe().canUploadPackage(archive, package, component) # TODO: check if this is still needed after ArchiveReorg (or at all) @classmethod def isPerPackageUploader(cls, package, series = None): ''' Check if the user has PerPackageUpload rights for package. ''' if isinstance(package, SourcePackage): package = package.getPackageName() archive = cls.getUbuntuDistribution().getArchive() return cls.getMe().canUploadPackage(archive, package, None) class MetaWrapper(type): ''' A meta class used for wrapping LP API objects. ''' def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrd): super(MetaWrapper, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrd) if 'resource_type' not in attrd: raise TypeError('Class needs an associated resource type') cls._cache = dict() class BaseWrapper(object): ''' A base class from which other wrapper classes are derived. ''' __metaclass__ = MetaWrapper resource_type = None # it's a base class after all def __new__(cls, data): if isinstance(data, str) and data.startswith('https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/'): # looks like a LP API URL # check if it's already cached cached = cls._cache.get(data) if cached: return cached # not cached, so try to get it try: data = Launchpad.load(data) except HTTPError: # didn't work pass if isinstance(data, Entry): if data.resource_type_link in cls.resource_type: # check if it's already cached cached = cls._cache.get(data.self_link) if not cached: # create a new instance cached = object.__new__(cls) cached._lpobject = data # and add it to our cache cls._cache[data.self_link] = cached # add additional class specific caching (if available) cache = getattr(cls, 'cache', None) if callable(cache): cache(cached) return cached else: raise TypeError("'%s' is not a '%s' object" % (str(data), str(cls.resource_type))) else: # not a LP API representation, let the specific class handle it fetch = getattr(cls, 'fetch', None) if callable(fetch): return fetch(data) else: raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to fetch '%s' from LP" % str(data)) def __call__(self): return self._lpobject def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._lpobject, attr) class Distribution(BaseWrapper): ''' Wrapper class around a LP distribution object. ''' resource_type = 'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#distribution' def __init__(self, *args): # Don't share _series and _archives between different Distributions if '_series' not in self.__dict__: self._series = dict() if '_archives' not in self.__dict__: self._archives = dict() def cache(self): self._cache[self.name] = self @classmethod def fetch(cls, dist): ''' Fetch the distribution object identified by 'dist' from LP. ''' if not isinstance(dist, str): raise TypeError("Don't know what do with '%r'" % dist) cached = cls._cache.get(dist) if not cached: cached = Distribution(Launchpad.distributions[dist]) return cached def getArchive(self, archive = None): ''' Returns an Archive object for the requested archive. Raises a ArchiveNotFoundException if the archive doesn't exist. If 'archive' is None, return the main archive. ''' if archive: res = self._archives.get(archive) if not res: for a in self.archives: if a.name == archive: res = Archive(a) self._archives[res.name] = res break if res: return res else: raise ArchiveNotFoundException("The Archive '%s' doesn't exist in %s" % (archive, self.display_name)) else: if not '_main_archive' in self.__dict__: self._main_archive = Archive(self.main_archive_link) return self._main_archive def getSeries(self, name_or_version): ''' Returns a DistroSeries object for a series passed by name (e.g. 'karmic') or version (e.g. '9.10'). If the series is not found: raise SeriesNotFoundException ''' if name_or_version not in self._series: try: series = DistroSeries(self().getSeries(name_or_version = name_or_version)) # Cache with name and version self._series[series.name] = series self._series[series.version] = series except HTTPError: raise SeriesNotFoundException("Error: Release '%s' is unknown in '%s'." % (name_or_version, self.display_name)) return self._series[name_or_version] def getDevelopmentSeries(self): ''' Returns a DistroSeries object of the current development series. ''' dev = DistroSeries(self.current_series_link) # Cache it in _series if not already done if dev.name not in self._series: self._series[dev.name] = dev self._series[dev.version] = dev return dev class DistroSeries(BaseWrapper): ''' Wrapper class around a LP distro series object. ''' resource_type = 'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#distro_series' class Archive(BaseWrapper): ''' Wrapper class around a LP archive object. ''' resource_type = 'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#archive' def __init__(self, *args): # Don't share _srcpkgs between different Archives if '_srcpkgs' not in self.__dict__: self._srcpkgs = dict() def getSourcePackage(self, name, series = None, pocket = 'Release'): ''' Returns a SourcePackage object for the most recent source package in the distribution 'dist', series and pocket. series defaults to the current development series if not specified. If the requested source package doesn't exist a PackageNotFoundException is raised. ''' # Check if pocket has a valid value if pocket not in ('Release', 'Security', 'Updates', 'Proposed', 'Backports'): raise PocketDoesNotExistException("Pocket '%s' does not exist." % pocket) dist = Distribution(self.distribution_link) # Check if series is already a DistoSeries object or not if not isinstance(series, DistroSeries): if series: series = dist.getSeries(series) else: series = dist.getDevelopmentSeries() # NOTE: # For Debian all source publication are in the state 'Pending' so filter on this # instead of 'Published'. As the result is sorted also by date the first result # will be the most recent one (i.e. the one we are interested in). if dist.name in ('debian',): state = 'Pending' else: state = 'Published' if (name, series.name, pocket) not in self._srcpkgs: try: srcpkg = self.getPublishedSources( source_name = name, distro_series = series(), pocket = pocket, status = state, exact_match = True)[0] self._srcpkgs[(name, series.name, pocket)] = SourcePackage(srcpkg) except IndexError: if pocket == 'Release': msg = "The package '%s' does not exist in the %s %s archive in '%s'" % \ (name, dist.display_name, self.name, series.name) else: msg = "The package '%s' does not exist in the %s %s archive in '%s-%s'" % \ (name, dist.display_name, self.name, series.name, pocket.lower()) raise PackageNotFoundException(msg) return self._srcpkgs[(name, series.name, pocket)] class SourcePackage(BaseWrapper): ''' Wrapper class around a LP source package object. ''' resource_type = 'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#source_package_publishing_history' def getPackageName(self): ''' Returns the source package name. ''' return self._lpobject.source_package_name def getVersion(self): ''' Returns the version of the source package. ''' return self._lpobject.source_package_version def getComponent(self): ''' Returns the component of the source package. ''' return self._lpobject.component_name class PersonTeam(BaseWrapper): ''' Wrapper class around a LP person or team object. ''' resource_type = ('https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#person', 'https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/#team') def __init__(self, *args): # Don't share _upload_{pkg,comp} between different PersonTeams if '_upload_pkg' not in self.__dict__: self._upload_pkg = dict() if '_upload_comp' not in self.__dict__: self._upload_comp = dict() def __str__(self): return u'%s (%s)' % (self.display_name, self.name) def cache(self): self._cache[self.name] = self @classmethod def fetch(cls, person_or_team): ''' Fetch the person or team object identified by 'url' from LP. ''' if not isinstance(person_or_team, str): raise TypeError("Don't know what do with '%r'" % person_or_team) cached = cls._cache.get(person_or_team) if not cached: cached = PersonTeam(Launchpad.people[person_or_team]) return cached def isLpTeamMember(self, team): ''' Checks if the user is a member of a certain team on Launchpad. Returns True if the user is a member of the team otherwise False. ''' return any(t.name == team for t in self.super_teams) def canUploadPackage(self, archive, package, component): ''' Check if the person or team has upload rights for the source package to the specified 'archive' either through component upload rights or per-package upload rights. Either a source package name or a component has the specified. 'archive' has to be a Archive object. ''' if not isinstance(archive, Archive): raise TypeError("'%r' is not an Archive object." % archive) if not isinstance(package, (str, None)): raise TypeError('A source package name expected.') if not isinstance(component, (str, None)): raise TypeError('A component name expected.') if not package and not component: raise ValueError('Either a source package name or a component has to be specified.') upload_comp = self._upload_comp.get((archive, component)) upload_pkg = self._upload_pkg.get((archive, package)) if upload_comp == None and upload_pkg == None: for perm in archive.getPermissionsForPerson(person = self()): if perm.permission != 'Archive Upload Rights': continue if component and perm.component_name == component: self._upload_comp[(archive, component)] = True return True if package and perm.source_package_name == package: self._upload_pkg[(archive, package)] = True return True # don't have upload rights if package: self._upload_pkg[(archive, package)] = False if component: self._upload_comp[(archive, component)] = False return False else: return upload_comp or upload_pkg # TODO: check if this is still needed after ArchiveReorg (or at all) def isPerPackageUploader(self, archive, package): ''' Check if the user has PerPackageUpload rights for package. ''' if isinstance(package, SourcePackage): pkg = package.getPackageName() comp = package.getComponent() else: pkg = package compon return self.canUploadPackage(archive, pkg, None)