# Check components of build dependencies and warn about universe/multiverse
# ones, for a package destined for main/restricted
# Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical
# Authors:
#  Martin Pitt
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

import apt
import sys
import os.path

def check_support(apt_cache, pkgname, alt=False):
    '''Check if pkgname is in main or restricted.

    This prints messages if a package is not in main/restricted, or only
    partially (i. e. source in main, but binary in universe).
    if alt:
        prefix = '  ... alternative ' + pkgname
        prefix = ' * ' + pkgname

        pkg = apt_cache[pkgname]
    except KeyError:
        print >> sys.stderr, prefix, 'does not exist (pure virtual?)'
        return False

    section = pkg.candidate.section
    if section.startswith('universe') or section.startswith('multiverse'):
        # check if the source package is in main and thus will only need binary
        # promotion
        source_records = apt.apt_pkg.SourceRecords()
        if not source_records.lookup(pkg.candidate.source_name):
            print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Cannot lookup source package for', \
            print prefix, 'package is in', section.split('/')[0]
            return False
        src = apt.apt_pkg.TagSection(source_records.record)
        if (src['Section'].startswith('universe') or
            print prefix, 'binary and source package is in', \
            return False
            print prefix, 'is in', section.split('/')[0] + ', but its source', \
                  pkg.candidate.source_name, \
                  ('is already in main; file an ubuntu-archive bug for '
                   'promoting the current preferred alternative')
            return True

    if alt:
        print prefix, 'is already in main; consider preferring it'

    return True

def check_build_dependencies(apt_cache, control):
    print 'Checking support status of build dependencies...'

    any_unsupported = False

    for field in ('Build-Depends', 'Build-Depends-Indep'):
        if field not in control.section:
        for or_group in apt.apt_pkg.parse_src_depends(control.section[field]):
            pkgname = or_group[0][0]
            if not check_support(apt_cache, pkgname):
                # check non-preferred alternatives
                for altpkg in or_group[1:]:
                    if check_support(apt_cache, altpkg[0], alt=True):
                    any_unsupported = True

    return any_unsupported

def check_binary_dependencies(apt_cache, control):
    any_unsupported = False

    print '\nChecking support status of binary dependencies...'
    while True:
        except StopIteration:

        for field in ('Depends', 'Pre-Depends', 'Recommends'):
            if field not in control.section:
            for or_group in apt.apt_pkg.parse_depends(control.section[field]):
                pkgname = or_group[0][0]
                if pkgname.startswith('$'):
                if not check_support(apt_cache, pkgname):
                    # check non-preferred alternatives
                    for altpkg in or_group[1:]:
                        if check_support(apt_cache, altpkg[0], alt=True):
                        any_unsupported = True

    return any_unsupported

def main():
    apt_cache = apt.Cache()

    if not os.path.exists('debian/control'):
        print >> sys.stderr, ('debian/control not found. You need to run '
                              'this tool in a source package directory')

    # get build dependencies from debian/control
    control = apt.apt_pkg.TagFile(open('debian/control'))

    unsupported_build_deps = check_build_dependencies(apt_cache, control)
    unsupported_binary_deps = check_binary_dependencies(apt_cache, control)

    if unsupported_build_deps or unsupported_binary_deps:
        print ('\nPlease check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess if '
               'this source package needs to get into in main/restricted, or '
               'reconsider if the package really needs above dependencies.')
        print 'All dependencies are supported in main or restricted.'

if __name__ == '__main__':