# archive.py - Functions for dealing with Debian source packages, archives, # and mirrors. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Stefano Rivera # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """Pull source packages from archives. Approach: 1. Pull dsc from Launchpad (this is over https and can authenticate the rest of the source package) 2. Attempt to pull the remaining files from: 1. existing files 2. mirrors 3. Launchpad 3. Verify checksums. """ from __future__ import with_statement, print_function import hashlib import os.path try: from urllib.request import ProxyHandler, build_opener, urlopen from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError except ImportError: from urllib2 import ProxyHandler, build_opener, urlopen from urlparse import urlparse from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError import re import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: basestring = str unicode = str from debian.changelog import Changelog, Version import debian.deb822 import debian.debian_support import httplib2 from ubuntutools.config import UDTConfig from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import (Launchpad, Distribution, SourcePackagePublishingHistory) from ubuntutools.logger import Logger from ubuntutools import subprocess class DownloadError(Exception): "Unable to pull a source package" pass class Dsc(debian.deb822.Dsc): "Extend deb822's Dsc with checksum verification abilities" def get_strongest_checksum(self): "Return alg, dict by filename of size, hash_ pairs" if 'Checksums-Sha256' in self: return ('sha256', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['sha256'])) for entry in self['Checksums-Sha256'])) if 'Checksums-Sha1' in self: return ('sha1', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['sha1'])) for entry in self['Checksums-Sha1'])) return ('md5', dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry['md5sum'])) for entry in self['Files'])) def verify_file(self, pathname): "Verify that pathname matches the checksums in the dsc" if os.path.isfile(pathname): alg, checksums = self.get_strongest_checksum() size, digest = checksums[os.path.basename(pathname)] if os.path.getsize(pathname) != size: return False hash_func = getattr(hashlib, alg)() f = open(pathname, 'rb') while True: buf = f.read(hash_func.block_size) if buf == '': break hash_func.update(buf) f.close() return hash_func.hexdigest() == digest return False def compare_dsc(self, other): """Check whether any files in these two dscs that have the same name also have the same checksum.""" for field, key in (('Checksums-Sha256', 'sha256'), ('Checksums-Sha1', 'sha1'), ('Files', 'md5sum')): if field not in self or field not in other: continue our_checksums = \ dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry[key])) for entry in self[field]) their_checksums = \ dict((entry['name'], (int(entry['size']), entry[key])) for entry in other[field]) for name, (size, checksum) in our_checksums.items(): if name not in their_checksums: # file only in one dsc continue if (size != their_checksums[name][0] or checksum != their_checksums[name][1]): return False return True # one checksum is good enough return True class SourcePackage(object): """Base class for source package downloading. Use DebianSourcePackage or UbuntuSourcePackage instead of using this directly. """ distribution = None def __init__(self, package=None, version=None, component=None, dscfile=None, lp=None, mirrors=(), workdir='.', quiet=False): "Can be initialised either using package, version or dscfile" assert ((package is not None and version is not None) or dscfile is not None) self.source = package self._lp = lp self.workdir = workdir self.quiet = quiet # Cached values: self._component = component self._dsc = None self._spph = None # State: self._dsc_fetched = False # Mirrors self._dsc_source = dscfile self.mirrors = list(mirrors) if self.distribution: self.masters = [UDTConfig.defaults['%s_MIRROR' % self.distribution.upper()]] if dscfile is not None: if self.source is None: self.source = 'unknown' if version is None: version = 'unknown' self.version = debian.debian_support.Version(version) # uses default proxies from the environment proxy = ProxyHandler() self.url_opener = build_opener(proxy) @property def lp_spph(self): "Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry" if not self._spph: if not Launchpad.logged_in: if self._lp: Launchpad.login_existing(self._lp) else: Launchpad.login_anonymously() spph = (Distribution(self.distribution).getArchive() .getPublishedSources( source_name=self.source, version=self.version.full_version, exact_match=True, )) self._spph = SourcePackagePublishingHistory(spph[0]) return self._spph @property def component(self): "Cached archive component, in available" if not self._component: Logger.debug('Determining component from Launchpad') self._component = self.lp_spph.getComponent() return self._component @property def dsc_name(self): "Return the source package dsc filename for the given package" version = self.version.upstream_version if self.version.debian_version: version += '-' + self.version.debian_version return '%s_%s.dsc' % (self.source, version) @property def dsc_pathname(self): "Return the dsc_name, with the workdir path" return os.path.join(self.workdir, self.dsc_name) @property def dsc(self): "Return a the Dsc" if self._dsc is None: self.pull_dsc() return self._dsc def _mirror_url(self, mirror, filename): "Build a source package URL on a mirror" if self.source.startswith('lib'): group = self.source[:4] else: group = self.source[0] return os.path.join(mirror, 'pool', self.component, group, self.source, filename) def _lp_url(self, filename): "Build a source package URL on Launchpad" return os.path.join('https://launchpad.net', self.distribution, '+archive', 'primary', '+files', filename) def _source_urls(self, name): "Generator of sources for name" if self._dsc_source: yield os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._dsc_source), name) for mirror in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) for mirror in self.masters: if mirror not in self.mirrors: yield self._mirror_url(mirror, name) yield self._lp_url(name) def pull_dsc(self): "Retrieve dscfile and parse" if self._dsc_source: parsed = urlparse(self._dsc_source) if parsed.scheme == '': self._dsc_source = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(self._dsc_source) parsed = urlparse(self._dsc_source) url = self._dsc_source else: url = self._lp_url(self.dsc_name) self._download_dsc(url) self._check_dsc() def _download_dsc(self, url): "Download specified dscfile and parse" parsed = urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme == 'file': with open(parsed.path, 'r') as f: body = f.read() else: try: response, body = httplib2.Http().request(url) except httplib2.HttpLib2Error as e: raise DownloadError(e) if response.status != 200: raise DownloadError("%s: %s %s" % (url, response.status, response.reason)) self._dsc = Dsc(body) self._dsc_fetched = True def _check_dsc(self, verify_signature=False): "Check that the dsc matches what we are expecting" assert self._dsc is not None self.source = self.dsc['Source'] self.version = debian.debian_support.Version(self.dsc['Version']) valid = False message = None gpg_info = None try: gpg_info = self.dsc.get_gpg_info() valid = gpg_info.valid() except IOError: message = ('Signature on %s could not be verified, install ' 'debian-keyring' % self.dsc_name) if message is None: if valid: message = 'Valid signature' else: message = ('Signature on %s could not be verified' % self.dsc_name) if gpg_info is not None: if 'GOODSIG' in gpg_info: message = ('Good signature by %s (0x%s)' % (gpg_info['GOODSIG'][1], gpg_info['GOODSIG'][0])) elif 'VALIDSIG' in gpg_info: message = 'Valid signature by 0x%s' % gpg_info['VALIDSIG'][0] if verify_signature: if valid: Logger.normal(message) else: Logger.error(message) raise DownloadError(message) else: Logger.info(message) def _write_dsc(self): "Write dsc file to workdir" if self._dsc is None: self.pull_dsc() with open(self.dsc_pathname, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.dsc.raw_text) def _download_file(self, url, filename): "Download url to filename in workdir." pathname = os.path.join(self.workdir, filename) if self.dsc.verify_file(pathname): Logger.debug('Using existing %s', filename) return True size = [entry['size'] for entry in self.dsc['Files'] if entry['name'] == filename] assert len(size) == 1 size = int(size[0]) parsed = urlparse(url) if not self.quiet: Logger.normal('Downloading %s from %s (%0.3f MiB)', filename, parsed.hostname, size / 1024.0 / 1024) if parsed.scheme == 'file': in_ = open(parsed.path, 'r') else: try: in_ = self.url_opener.open(url) except URLError: return False downloaded = 0 bar_width = 60 try: with open(pathname, 'wb') as out: while True: block = in_.read(10240) if block == '': break downloaded += len(block) out.write(block) if not self.quiet: percent = downloaded * 100 // size bar = '=' * int(round(downloaded * bar_width / size)) bar = (bar + '>' + ' ' * bar_width)[:bar_width] Logger.stdout.write('[%s] %#3i%%\r' % (bar, percent)) Logger.stdout.flush() in_.close() finally: if not self.quiet: Logger.stdout.write(' ' * (bar_width + 7) + '\r') Logger.stdout.flush() if not self.dsc.verify_file(pathname): Logger.error('Checksum for %s does not match.', filename) return False return True def pull(self): "Pull into workdir" self._write_dsc() for entry in self.dsc['Files']: name = entry['name'] for url in self._source_urls(name): try: if self._download_file(url, name): break except HTTPError as e: Logger.normal('HTTP Error %i: %s', e.code, str(e)) except URLError as e: Logger.normal('URL Error: %s', e.reason) else: raise DownloadError('File %s could not be found' % name) def verify(self): """Verify that the source package in workdir matches the dsc. Return boolean """ return all(self.dsc.verify_file(os.path.join(self.workdir, entry['name'])) for entry in self.dsc['Files']) def verify_orig(self): """Verify that the .orig files in workdir match the dsc. Return boolean """ orig_re = re.compile(r'.*\.orig(-[^.]+)?\.tar\.[^.]+$') return all(self.dsc.verify_file(os.path.join(self.workdir, entry['name'])) for entry in self.dsc['Files'] if orig_re.match(entry['name'])) def unpack(self, destdir=None): "Unpack in workdir" cmd = ['dpkg-source', '-x', self.dsc_name] if destdir: cmd.append(destdir) Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=self.workdir): Logger.error('Source unpack failed.') sys.exit(1) def debdiff(self, newpkg, diffstat=False): """Write a debdiff comparing this src pkg to a newer one. Optionally print diffstat. Return the debdiff filename. """ cmd = ['debdiff', self.dsc_name, newpkg.dsc_name] difffn = newpkg.dsc_name[:-3] + 'debdiff' Logger.command(cmd + ['> %s' % difffn]) with open(difffn, 'w') as f: if subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, cwd=self.workdir) > 2: Logger.error('Debdiff failed.') sys.exit(1) if diffstat: cmd = ('diffstat', '-p1', difffn) Logger.command(cmd) if subprocess.call(cmd): Logger.error('diffstat failed.') sys.exit(1) return os.path.abspath(difffn) class DebianSourcePackage(SourcePackage): "Download / unpack a Debian source package" distribution = 'debian' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DebianSourcePackage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.masters.append(UDTConfig.defaults['DEBSEC_MIRROR']) # Cached values: self._snapshot_list = None # Overridden methods: @property def lp_spph(self): "Return the LP Source Package Publishing History entry" if not self._spph: try: return super(DebianSourcePackage, self).lp_spph except IndexError: pass Logger.normal('Using rmadison for component determination') comp = 'main' for record in rmadison(self.distribution, self.source): if record.get('source') != self.source: continue comp = record['component'] if record['version'] == self.version.full_version: self._spph = FakeSPPH(record['source'], record['version'], comp, 'debian') return self._spph Logger.normal('Guessing component from most recent upload') self._spph = FakeSPPH(self.source, self.version.full_version, comp, 'debian') return self._spph def _source_urls(self, name): "Generator of sources for name" wrapped_iterator = super(DebianSourcePackage, self)._source_urls(name) while True: try: yield next(wrapped_iterator) except StopIteration: break if self.snapshot_list: yield self._snapshot_url(name) def pull_dsc(self): "Retrieve dscfile and parse" try: super(DebianSourcePackage, self).pull_dsc() return except DownloadError: pass # Not all Debian Source packages get imported to LP # (or the importer could be lagging) for url in self._source_urls(self.dsc_name): try: self._download_dsc(url) except DownloadError: continue break else: raise DownloadError('dsc could not be found anywhere') self._check_dsc(verify_signature=True) # Local methods: @property def snapshot_list(self): "Return a filename -> hash dictionary from snapshot.debian.org" if self._snapshot_list is None: try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json except ImportError: Logger.error("Please install python-simplejson.") raise DownloadError("Unable to dowload from " "snapshot.debian.org without " "python-simplejson") try: srcfiles = json.load(self.url_opener.open( 'http://snapshot.debian.org' '/mr/package/%s/%s/srcfiles?fileinfo=1' % (self.source, self.version.full_version))) except HTTPError: Logger.error('Version %s of %s not found on ' 'snapshot.debian.org', self.version.full_version, self.source) self._snapshot_list = False return False self._snapshot_list = dict((info[0]['name'], hash_) for hash_, info in srcfiles['fileinfo'].items()) return self._snapshot_list def _snapshot_url(self, name): "Return the snapshot.debian.org URL for name" return os.path.join('http://snapshot.debian.org/file', self.snapshot_list[name]) class UbuntuSourcePackage(SourcePackage): "Download / unpack an Ubuntu source package" distribution = 'ubuntu' class FakeSPPH(object): """Provide the same interface as ubuntutools.lpapicache.SourcePackagePublishingHistory """ def __init__(self, name, version, component, distribution): self.name = name self.version = version self.component = component self.distribution = distribution self._changelog = None def getPackageName(self): return self.name def getVersion(self): return self.version def getComponent(self): return self.component def getChangelog(self, since_version=None): ''' Return the changelog, optionally since a particular version May return None if the changelog isn't available ''' if self._changelog is None: if self.name.startswith('lib'): subdir = 'lib%s' % self.name[3] else: subdir = self.name[0] # Strip epoch from version pkgversion = self.version.split(':', 1)[-1] extension = '' if self.distribution == 'debian': base = 'http://packages.debian.org/' extension = '.txt' elif self.distribution == 'ubuntu': base = 'http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/' url = os.path.join(base, 'changelogs', 'pool', self.component, subdir, self.name, self.name + '_' + pkgversion, 'changelog' + extension) try: self._changelog = urlopen(url).read() except HTTPError as error: print(('%s: %s' % (url, error)), file=sys.stderr) return None if since_version is None: return self._changelog if isinstance(since_version, basestring): since_version = Version(since_version) new_entries = [] for block in Changelog(self._changelog): if block.version <= since_version: break new_entries.append(unicode(block)) return u''.join(new_entries) def rmadison(url, package, suite=None, arch=None): "Call rmadison and parse the result" cmd = ['rmadison', '-u', url] if suite: cmd += ['-s', suite] if arch: cmd += ['-a', arch] cmd.append(package) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) output, error_output = process.communicate() if process.wait() != 0: if error_output: Logger.error('rmadison failed with: %s', error_output) else: Logger.error('rmadison failed') sys.exit(1) # rmadison uses some shorthand if suite: suite = suite.replace('-proposed-updates', '-p-u') # pylint bug: http://www.logilab.org/ticket/46273 # pylint: disable=E1103 for line in output.strip().splitlines(): # pylint: enable=E1103 pkg, ver, dist, archs = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')] comp = 'main' if '/' in dist: dist, comp = dist.split('/') archs = set(x.strip() for x in archs.split(',')) # rmadison returns some results outside the requested set. # It'll include backports, and when given an unknown suite, # it ignores that argument if suite and dist != suite: continue if 'source' in archs: yield { 'source': pkg, 'version': ver, 'suite': dist, 'component': comp, } archs.discard('source') if archs: yield { 'binary': pkg, 'version': ver, 'suite': dist, 'component': comp, 'architectures': archs, }