#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Siegfried-A. Gevatter # With some changes by Iain Lane # Based upon pbuilder-dist-simple by Jamin Collins and Jordan Mantha. # # ################################################################## # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # See file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for more details. # # ################################################################## # # This script is a wrapper to be able to easily use pbuilder for # different distributions (eg, Gutsy, Hardy, Debian unstable, etc). # # You can create symlinks to a pbuilder-dist executable to get different # configurations. For example, a symlink called pbuilder-hardy will assume # that the target distribution is always meant to be Ubuntu Hardy. import sys import os debian_distros = ['etch', 'lenny', 'squeeze', 'sid', 'stable', \ 'testing', 'unstable', 'experimental'] class pbuilder_dist: def __init__(self, builder): # Base directory where pbuilder will put all the files it creates. self.base = None # Name of the operation which pbuilder should perform. self.operation = None # Wheter additional components should be used or not. That is, # 'universe' and 'multiverse' for Ubuntu chroots and 'contrib' # and 'non-free' for Debian. self.extra_components = True # File where the log of the last operation will be saved. self.logfile = None # System architecture self.system_architecture = None # Build architecture self.build_architecture = None # System's distribution self.system_distro = None # Target distribution self.target_distro = None # This is an identificative string which will either take the form # 'distribution' or 'distribution-architecture'. self.chroot_string = None # Authentication method self.auth = 'sudo' # Builder self.builder = builder # Ensure that the used builder is installed for file in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(file, builder)): builder = '' break if builder: print 'Error: Could not find "%s".' % builder sys.exit(1) ############################################################## if 'PBUILDFOLDER' in os.environ: self.base = os.environ['PBUILDFOLDER'] else: self.base = os.path.expanduser('~/pbuilder/') if not os.path.exists(self.base): os.makedirs(self.base) if 'PBUILDAUTH' in os.environ: self.auth = os.environ['PBUILDAUTH'] self.system_architecture = host_architecture() if not self.system_architecture or 'not found' in self.system_architecture: print 'Error: Not running on a Debian based system; could not detect its architecture.' if os.path.isfile('/etc/lsb-release'): for line in open('/etc/lsb-release'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('DISTRIB_CODENAME'): self.system_distro = line[17:] break else: import commands output = commands.getoutput('lsb_release -c').split() if len(output) == 2: self.system_distro = output[1] else: print 'Error: Not running on a Debian based system; could not find lsb_release.' exit(1) if not self.system_distro: print 'Error: Could not determine what distribution you are running.' exit(1) self.target_distro = self.system_distro ############################################################## def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self, name) def set_target_distro(self, distro): """ pbuilder_dist.set_target_distro(distro) -> None Check if the given target distribution name is correct, if it isn't know to the system ask the user for confirmation before proceeding, and finally either save the value into the appropiate variable or finalize pbuilder-dist's execution. """ if not distro.isalpha(): print 'Error: «%s» is an invalid distribution codename.' % distro sys.exit(1) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join('/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/', distro)): if os.path.isdir('/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/'): answer = ask('Warning: Unknown distribution «%s». Do you '\ 'want to continue [y/N]? ' % distro) if answer not in ('y', 'Y'): sys.exit(0) else: print 'Please install package "debootstrap".' sys.exit(1) self.target_distro = distro def set_operation(self, operation): """ pbuilder_dist.set_operation -> None Check if the given string is a valid pbuilder operation and depending on this either save it into the appropiate variable or finalize pbuilder-dist's execution. """ arguments = ('create', 'update', 'build', 'clean', 'login', 'execute') if operation not in arguments: if operation.endswith('.dsc'): if os.path.isfile(operation): self.operation = 'build' return operation else: print 'Error: Could not find file «%s».' % operation sys.exit(1) else: print 'Error: «%s» is not a recognized argument.' % operation print 'Please use one of those: ' + ', '.join(arguments) + '.' sys.exit(1) else: self.operation = operation return '' def get_command(self, remaining_arguments = None): """ pbuilder_dist.get_command -> string Generate the pbuilder command which matches the given configuration and return it as a string. """ if not self.build_architecture: self.chroot_string = self.target_distro self.build_architecture = self.system_architecture else: self.chroot_string = '%(target_distro)s-%(build_architecture)s' % self prefix = os.path.join(self.base, self.chroot_string) result = '%s_result/' % prefix if not self.logfile: self.logfile = os.path.normpath('%s/last_operation.log' % result) if not os.path.isdir(result): # Create the results directory, if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(result) if self.builder == 'pbuilder': base = '--basetgz "%s-base.tgz"' % prefix elif self.builder == 'cowbuilder': base = '--basepath "%s-base.cow"' % prefix else: print 'Error: Unrecognized builder "%s".' % self.builder sys.exit(1) arguments = [ '--%s' % self.operation, base, '--distribution "%(target_distro)s"' % self, '--buildresult "%s"' % result, '--logfile "%s"' % self.logfile, '--aptcache "/var/cache/apt/archives/"', ### --mirror "${ARCHIVE}" \ '--override-config', ] if os.path.exists('/var/cache/archive/'): arguments.append('--bindmounts "/var/cache/archive/"') localrepo = '/var/cache/archive/%(target_distro)s' % self if os.path.exists(localrepo): arguments.append('--othermirror ' +\ '"deb file:///var/cache/archive/ %(target_distro)s/"' % self) if self.target_distro in debian_distros: arguments.append('--mirror "ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian"') components = 'main' if self.extra_components: components += ' contrib non-free' else: components = 'main restricted' if self.extra_components: components += ' universe multiverse' arguments.append('--components "%s"' % components) if self.build_architecture != self.system_architecture: arguments.append('--debootstrapopts --arch') arguments.append('--debootstrapopts "%(build_architecture)s"' % self) ### $( [ $ISDEBIAN != "False" ] || echo "--aptconfdir \"${BASE_DIR}/etc/${DISTRIBUTION}/apt.conf/\"" ) \ # Append remaining arguments if remaining_arguments: arguments.extend(remaining_arguments) return self.auth + ' /usr/sbin/' + self.builder + ' ' + ' '.join(arguments) def host_architecture(): """ host_architecture -> string Detect the host's architecture and return it as a string (i386/amd64/other values). """ return os.uname()[4].replace('x86_64', 'amd64').replace('i586', 'i386').replace('i686', 'i386') def ask(question): """ ask(question) -> string Ask the given question and return the answer. Also catch KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C) and EOFError (Ctrl+D) exceptions and immediately return None if one of those is found. """ try: answer = raw_input(question) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print answer = None return answer def help(exit_code = 0): """ help() -> None Print a help message for pbuilder-dist, and exit with the given code. """ print 'See man pbuilder-dist for more information.' sys.exit(exit_code) def main(): """ main() -> None This is pbuilder-dist's main function. It creates a pbuilder_dist object, modifies all necessary settings taking data from the executable's name and command line options and finally either ends the script and runs pbuilder itself or exists with an error message. """ script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) parts = script_name.split('-') # Copy arguments into another list for save manipulation args = sys.argv[1:] if '-' in script_name and (parts[0] != 'pbuilder' and \ parts[0] != 'cowbuilder') or len(parts) > 3: print 'Error: «%s» is not a valid name for a «pbuilder-dist» executable.' % script_name sys.exit(1) if len(args) < 1: print 'Insufficient number of arguments.' help(1) if args[0] in ('-h', '--help', 'help'): help(0) app = pbuilder_dist(parts[0]) if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1] != 'dist' and '.' not in parts[1]: app.set_target_distro(parts[1]) else: app.set_target_distro(args.pop(0)) if len(parts) > 2: requested_arch = parts[2] elif args[0] in ('i386', 'amd64'): requested_arch = args.pop(0) else: requested_arch = None if requested_arch: if requested_arch in ('i386', 'amd64') and app.system_architecture == 'amd64': app.build_architecture = requested_arch else: print 'Error: Architecture switching is not supported on your system; wrong filename.' sys.exit(1) if 'mainonly' in sys.argv: app.extra_components = False args.remove('mainonly') if len(args) < 1: print 'Insufficient number of arguments.' help(1) # Parse the operation args = [app.set_operation(args.pop(0))] + args if app.operation == 'build' and not '.dsc' in ' '.join(args): print 'Error: You have to specify a .dsc file if you want to build.' sys.exit(1) # Execute the pbuilder command sys.exit(os.system(app.get_command(args))) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Manually aborted.' sys.exit(1)