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synced 2025-03-13 08:01:09 +00:00
The UCA source pkg class was its own specific class, but with the addition of the generic PPA source pkg class, the UCA class is just a specific case of PPA. Changing it to a subclass of the PPA class simplifies code.
380 lines
15 KiB
380 lines
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# pullpkg.py -- pull package files for debian/ubuntu/uca
# modified from ../pull-lp-source and converted to module
# Copyright (C) 2008, Iain Lane <iain@orangesquash.org.uk>,
# 2010-2011, Stefano Rivera <stefanor@ubuntu.com>
# 2017, Dan Streetman <dan.streetman@canonical.com>
# ##################################################################
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for more details.
# ##################################################################
import re
import sys
import errno
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from distro_info import DebianDistroInfo
from ubuntutools.archive import (UbuntuSourcePackage, DebianSourcePackage,
from ubuntutools.config import UDTConfig
from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import (Distribution, Launchpad)
from ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions import (SeriesNotFoundException,
from ubuntutools.logger import Logger
from ubuntutools.misc import (split_release_pocket, host_architecture)
PULL_SOURCE = 'source'
PULL_DEBS = 'debs'
PULL_DDEBS = 'ddebs'
PULL_UDEBS = 'udebs'
PULL_LIST = 'list'
DISTRO_DEBIAN = 'debian'
DISTRO_UBUNTU = 'ubuntu'
DISTRO_UCA = 'uca'
DISTRO_PPA = 'ppa'
DISTRO_DEBIAN: DebianSourcePackage,
DISTRO_UBUNTU: UbuntuSourcePackage,
DISTRO_UCA: UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage,
DISTRO_PPA: PersonalPackageArchiveSourcePackage,
class InvalidPullValueError(ValueError):
""" Thrown when --pull value is invalid """
class PullPkg(object):
"""Class used to pull file(s) associated with a specific package"""
def main(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""For use by stand-alone cmdline scripts.
This will handle catching certain exceptions or kbd interrupts,
and printing out (via Logger) the error message, instead of
allowing the exception to flow up to the script. This does
not catch unexpected exceptions, such as internal errors.
On (expected) error, this will call sys.exit(error);
unexpected errors will flow up to the caller.
On success, this simply returns.
cls(*args, **kwargs).pull()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Logger.normal('User abort.')
except (PackageNotFoundException, SeriesNotFoundException,
PocketDoesNotExistError, InvalidDistroValueError) as e:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._default_pull = kwargs.get('pull')
self._default_distro = kwargs.get('distro')
self._default_arch = kwargs.get('arch', host_architecture())
self._parser = None
self._ppa_parser = None
def argparser(self):
if self._parser:
return self._parser
help_default_pull = "What to pull: " + ", ".join(VALID_PULLS)
if self._default_pull:
help_default_pull += (" (default: %s)" % self._default_pull)
help_default_distro = "Pull from: " + ", ".join(VALID_DISTROS)
if self._default_distro:
help_default_distro += (" (default: %s)" % self._default_distro)
help_default_arch = ("Get binary packages for arch")
help_default_arch += ("(default: %s)" % self._default_arch)
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help="Print verbose/debug messages")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--download-only', action='store_true',
help="Do not extract the source package")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mirror', action='append',
help='Preferred mirror(s)')
parser.add_argument('--no-conf', action='store_true',
help="Don't read config files or environment variables")
parser.add_argument('--no-verify-signature', action='store_true',
help="Don't fail if dsc signature can't be verified")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--arch', default=self._default_arch,
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pull', default=self._default_pull,
parser.add_argument('-D', '--distro', default=self._default_distro,
parser.add_argument('--ppa', help='PPA to pull from')
parser.add_argument('package', help="Package name to pull")
parser.add_argument('release', nargs='?', help="Release to pull from")
parser.add_argument('version', nargs='?', help="Package version to pull")
self._parser = parser
return self._parser
def parse_ppa_args(self, args):
"""When pulling from PPA, convert from bare ppa:USER/NAME to --ppa option"""
if not args:
myargs = sys.argv[1:]
options = vars(self.argparser.parse_known_args(myargs)[0])
# we use these, which all should be always provided by the parser,
# even if their value is None
assert 'distro' in options
assert 'ppa' in options
assert 'release' in options
assert 'version' in options
# if we're not pulling from a PPA, or if we are but --ppa was given,
# then no change to the args is needed
if options['distro'] != DISTRO_PPA or options['ppa'] is not None:
return args
# check if release or version is a ppa:
# if it is, move it to a --ppa param
for param in ['release', 'version']:
if str(options[param]).startswith('ppa:'):
myargs.insert(0, options[param])
myargs.insert(0, '--ppa')
return myargs
def parse_pull(self, pull):
if not pull:
raise InvalidPullValueError("Must specify --pull")
# allow 'dbgsym' as alias for 'ddebs'
if pull == 'dbgsym':
Logger.debug("Pulling '%s' for '%s'", PULL_DDEBS, pull)
# assume anything starting with 'bin' means 'debs'
if str(pull).startswith('bin'):
Logger.debug("Pulling '%s' for '%s'", PULL_DEBS, pull)
pull = PULL_DEBS
# verify pull action is valid
if pull not in VALID_PULLS:
raise InvalidPullValueError("Invalid pull action '%s'" % pull)
return pull
def parse_distro(self, distro):
if not distro:
raise InvalidDistroValueError("Must specify --distro")
distro = distro.lower()
# allow 'lp' for 'ubuntu'
if distro == 'lp':
Logger.debug("Using distro '%s' for '%s'", DISTRO_UBUNTU, distro)
# assume anything with 'cloud' is UCA
if re.match(r'.*cloud.*', distro):
Logger.debug("Using distro '%s' for '%s'", DISTRO_UCA, distro)
distro = DISTRO_UCA
# verify distro is valid
if distro not in VALID_DISTROS:
raise InvalidDistroValueError("Invalid distro '%s'" % distro)
return distro
def parse_release(self, distro, release):
if distro == DISTRO_UCA:
# UCA is special; it is specified UBUNTURELEASE-UCARELEASE or just
# UCARELEASE. The user could also specify UCARELEASE-POCKET. But UCA
# archives always correspond to only one UBUNTURELEASE, and UCA archives
# have only the Release pocket, so only UCARELEASE matters to us.
for r in release.split('-'):
if UbuntuCloudArchiveSourcePackage.isValidRelease(r):
Logger.debug("Using UCA release '%s'", r)
return (r, None)
raise SeriesNotFoundException('UCA release {} not found.'.format(release))
# Check if release[-pocket] is specified
(release, pocket) = split_release_pocket(release, default=None)
Logger.debug("Parsed release '%s' pocket '%s'", release, pocket)
if distro == DISTRO_DEBIAN:
# This converts from the aliases like 'unstable'
debian_info = DebianDistroInfo()
codename = debian_info.codename(release)
if codename:
Logger.normal("Using release '%s' for '%s'", codename, release)
release = codename
if distro == DISTRO_PPA:
# PPAs are part of Ubuntu distribution
d = Distribution(DISTRO_UBUNTU)
d = Distribution(distro)
# let SeriesNotFoundException flow up
Logger.debug("Using distro '%s' release '%s' pocket '%s'",
distro, release, pocket)
return (release, pocket)
def parse_release_and_version(self, distro, release, version, try_swap=True):
# Verify specified release is valid, and params in correct order
pocket = None
(release, pocket) = self.parse_release(distro, release)
except (SeriesNotFoundException, PocketDoesNotExistError):
if try_swap:
Logger.debug("Param '%s' not valid series, must be version", release)
release, version = version, release
if release:
return self.parse_release_and_version(distro, release, version, False)
Logger.error("Can't find series for '%s' or '%s'", release, version)
return (release, version, pocket)
def parse_options(self, options):
# if any of these fail, there is a problem with the parser
# they should all be provided, though the optional ones may be None
# type bool
assert 'download_only' in options
assert 'no_conf' in options
assert 'no_verify_signature' in options
# type string
assert 'pull' in options
assert 'distro' in options
assert 'arch' in options
assert 'package' in options
# type string, optional
assert 'ppa' in options
assert 'release' in options
assert 'version' in options
# type list of strings, optional
assert 'mirror' in options
pull = self.parse_pull(options['pull'])
distro = self.parse_distro(options['distro'])
params = {}
params['package'] = options['package']
if options['release']:
(r, v, p) = self.parse_release_and_version(distro, options['release'],
params['series'] = r
params['version'] = v
params['pocket'] = p
if (params['package'].endswith('.dsc') and not params['series'] and not params['version']):
params['dscfile'] = params['package']
if options['ppa']:
if options['ppa'].startswith('ppa:'):
params['ppa'] = options['ppa'][4:]
params['ppa'] = options['ppa']
elif distro == DISTRO_PPA:
raise ValueError('Must specify PPA to pull from')
mirrors = []
if options['mirror']:
if pull == PULL_DDEBS:
config = UDTConfig(options['no_conf'])
ddebs_mirror = config.get_value(distro.upper() + '_DDEBS_MIRROR')
if ddebs_mirror:
if mirrors:
Logger.debug("using mirrors %s", ", ".join(mirrors))
params['mirrors'] = mirrors
params['verify_signature'] = not options['no_verify_signature']
return (pull, distro, params)
def pull(self, args=None):
"""Pull (download) specified package file(s)"""
# pull-ppa-* may need conversion from ppa:USER/NAME to --ppa USER/NAME
args = self.parse_ppa_args(args)
options = vars(self.argparser.parse_args(args))
assert 'verbose' in options
if options['verbose'] is not None:
Logger.debug("pullpkg options: %s", options)
# Login anonymously to LP
(pull, distro, params) = self.parse_options(options)
# call implementation, and allow exceptions to flow up to caller
srcpkg = DISTRO_PKG_CLASS[distro](**params)
spph = srcpkg.lp_spph
Logger.normal('Found %s', spph.display_name)
if pull == PULL_LIST:
Logger.normal("Source files:")
for f in srcpkg.dsc['Files']:
Logger.normal(" %s", f['name'])
Logger.normal("Binary files:")
for f in spph.getBinaries(options['arch']):
Logger.normal(" %s", f.getFileName())
elif pull == PULL_SOURCE:
# allow DownloadError to flow up to caller
if options['download_only']:
Logger.debug("--download-only specified, not extracting")
name = '.*'
if params['package'] != spph.getPackageName():
Logger.normal("Pulling only binary package '%s'", params['package'])
Logger.normal("Use package name '%s' to pull all binary packages",
name = params['package']
if pull == PULL_DEBS:
name = r'{}(?<!-di)(?<!-dbgsym)$'.format(name)
elif pull == PULL_DDEBS:
name += '-dbgsym$'
elif pull == PULL_UDEBS:
name += '-di$'
raise InvalidPullValueError("Invalid pull value %s" % pull)
# allow DownloadError to flow up to caller
total = srcpkg.pull_binaries(name=name, arch=options['arch'])
if total < 1:
Logger.error("No %s found for %s %s", pull,
params['package'], spph.getVersion())