Anders Kaseorg f762242ebb * ubuntutools/lp/
- Simplify isLPTeamMember.

<Laney> andersk: what does super_teams do?
<andersk> Laney: I found super_teams using dir(  It
returns the collection of teams that the person is a member of.  I'm
not sure it's actually documented.
<Laney> andersk: I've found the documentation to be a bit
lacking. Does it count indirect memberships too?
<andersk> Laney: yes, it appears to.
<Laney> andersk: If that's right then your version is better than mine
<Laney> andersk: Could you prepare a branch for merging? I'd just do
it directly but I'm a bit busy now so can't, and I'm afraid I'll
2009-05-10 17:41:03 -04:00
2009-01-19 22:37:27 +00:00
2009-05-10 17:41:03 -04:00