mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 08:01:09 +00:00
- Guard some calls when -n is specified - Fetch changelog of specified version, not current version. If an experimenal upload happened after the unstable one we're syncing, this is considered to be current by p.d.o and we would get those changelog entries in the sync request - Remove trailing fullstop from sync bug title
597 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
597 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2007 Canonical Ltd., Steve Kowalik
# Authors:
# Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>
# Steve Kowalik <stevenk@ubuntu.com>
# Michael Bienia <geser@ubuntu.com>
# Daniel Hahler <ubuntu@thequod.de>
# Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>
# Jonathan Davies <jpds@ubuntu.com>
# Markus Korn <thekorn@gmx.de> (python-launchpadlib support)
# ##################################################################
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 for more details.
# ##################################################################
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
from debian_bundle.changelog import Version
from optparse import OptionParser
from time import sleep
# ubuntu-dev-tools modules.
import ubuntutools.lp.libsupport as lp_libsupport
import ubuntutools.lp.udtexceptions as udtexceptions
from ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache import Launchpad, LpApiWrapper, Distribution, PersonTeam
# https_proxy fix
import ubuntutools.common
import ubuntutools.packages
def checkNeedsSponsorship(srcpkg):
Check that the user has the appropriate permissions by checking what
Launchpad returns when we check if someone can upload a package or not.
If they are an indirect or direct member of the ~ubuntu-dev team on
Launchpad - sponsorship is not required if the package is in the
universe / multiverse component.
If they are in the ~ubuntu-core-dev team, no sponsorship required.
if not LpApiWrapper.canUploadPackage(srcpkg):
print "You are not able to upload this package directly to Ubuntu.\n" \
"Your sync request shall require an approval by a member of " \
"the appropriate sponsorship team, who shall be subscribed to " \
"this bug report.\n" \
"This must be done before it can be processed by a member of " \
"the Ubuntu Archive team."
print "If the above is correct please press Enter."
raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc() # Abort if necessary.
return True # Sponsorship required.
# Is a team member, no sponsorship required.
return False
def checkExistingReports(package):
""" Check existing bug reports on Launchpad for a possible sync request.
If found ask for confirmation on filing a request.
launchpad = None
launchpad = Launchpad.login()
except ImportError:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Importing launchpadlib failed. Is ' \
'python-launchpadlib installed?'
except IOError, msg:
# No credentials found.
print msg
# Failed to get Launchpad credentials.
if launchpad is None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping existing report check, you should "\
"manually see if there are any at:"
print "- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s" % package
print ""
return False
# Fetch the package's bug list from Launchpad.
pkg = Distribution('ubuntu').getSourcePackage(name=package)
pkgBugList = pkg.searchTasks()
# Search bug list for other sync requests.
matchingBugs = [bug for bug in pkgBugList
if "Sync %s" % package in bug.title
or "Please sync %s" % package in bug.title]
if len(matchingBugs) == 0:
return # No sync bugs found.
print "The following bugs could be possible duplicate sync bug(s) on Launchpad:"
for bug in matchingBugs:
print " *", bug.title
print " -", lp_libsupport.translate_api_web(bug.self_link)
print "Please check the above URLs to verify this before filing a " \
"possible duplicate report."
print "Press Ctrl-C to stop filing the bug report now, otherwise " \
"please press enter."
def cur_version_component(sourcepkg, release):
src = Distribution('ubuntu').getArchive().getSourcePackage(sourcepkg, release)
return (src.getVersion(), src.getComponent())
except udtexceptions.PackageNotFoundException:
print "%s doesn't appear to exist in %s, specify -n for a package not in Ubuntu." % (sourcepkg, release)
def cur_deb_version(sourcepkg, distro):
'''Return the current debian version of a package in a Debian distro.'''
out = ubuntutools.packages.checkIsInDebian(sourcepkg, distro)
if not out:
print "%s doesn't appear to exist in Debian." % sourcepkg
# Work-around for a bug in Debians madison.php script not returning
# only the source line
for line in out.splitlines():
if line.find('source') > 0:
out = line
return out.split('|')[1].rstrip('[]''').strip()
def debian_changelog(sourcepkg, component, version, debver):
'''Return the Debian changelog from the latest up to the given version
base_version = Version(version)
ch = ''
subdir = sourcepkg[0]
if sourcepkg.startswith('lib'):
subdir = 'lib%s' % sourcepkg[3]
# Get the debian/changelog file from packages.debian.org.
pkgurl = 'http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s/changelog.txt' % (component, subdir, sourcepkg, sourcepkg, debver)
debianChangelogPage = urllib2.urlopen(pkgurl)
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to connect to packages.debian.org. " \
"Received a %s." % error.code
for l in debianChangelogPage:
if l.startswith(sourcepkg):
ch_version = l[ l.find("(")+1 : l.find(")") ]
if Version(ch_version) <= base_version:
ch += l
return ch
def debian_component(sourcepkg, distro):
'''Return the Debian component for the source package.'''
madison = subprocess.Popen(['rmadison', '-u', 'debian', '-a', 'source', '-s', distro, \
sourcepkg], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out = madison.communicate()[0]
assert (madison.returncode == 0)
assert out
except AssertionError:
print "%s doesn't appear to exist in Debian." % sourcepkg
raw_comp = out.split('|')[2].split('/')
component = 'main'
if len(raw_comp) == 2:
component = raw_comp[1].strip()
return component
def raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc(*args, **kwargs):
"""A wrapper around raw_input() to exit with a normalized message on Control-C"""
return raw_input(*args, **kwargs)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print 'Abort requested. No sync request filed.'
def get_email_address():
'''Get the DEBEMAIL environment variable or give an error.'''
myemailaddr = os.getenv('DEBEMAIL')
if not myemailaddr:
myemailaddr = os.getenv('EMAIL')
if not myemailaddr:
print >> sys.stderr, 'The environment variable DEBEMAIL or ' +\
'EMAIL needs to be set to make use of this script, unless ' +\
'you use option --lp.'
return myemailaddr
def mail_bug(source_package, subscribe, status, bugtitle, bugtext, keyid = None):
'''Submit the sync request per email.
Return True if email successfully send, otherwise False.'''
import smtplib
import socket
to = 'new@bugs.launchpad.net'
myemailaddr = get_email_address()
if not myemailaddr:
return False
# generate initial mailbody
mailbody = ''
if source_package:
mailbody += ' affects ubuntu/%s\n' % source_package
mailbody += ' affects ubuntu\n'
mailbody = mailbody + ' status %s\n importance wishlist\n subscribe %s\n done\n\n%s' % (status, subscribe, bugtext)
# prepare sign_command
sign_command = 'gpg'
for cmd in ('gpg2', 'gnome-gpg'):
if os.access('/usr/bin/%s' % cmd, os.X_OK):
sign_command = cmd
gpg_command = [sign_command, '--clearsign']
if keyid:
gpg_command.extend(('-u', keyid))
in_confirm_loop = True
while in_confirm_loop:
# sign it
gpg = subprocess.Popen(gpg_command, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
signed_report = gpg.communicate(mailbody)[0]
assert gpg.returncode == 0
# generate email
mail = '''\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
%s''' % (myemailaddr, to, bugtitle, signed_report)
# ask for confirmation and allow to edit:
print mail
print 'Do you want to edit the report before sending [y/N]? Press Control-C to abort.'
while 1:
val = raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc()
if val.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
(bugtitle, mailbody) = edit_report(bugtitle, mailbody)
elif val.lower() in ('n', 'no', ''):
in_confirm_loop = False
print "Invalid answer"
# get server address
mailserver = os.getenv('DEBSMTP')
if mailserver:
print 'Using custom SMTP server:', mailserver
mailserver = 'fiordland.ubuntu.com'
# get server port
mailserver_port = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_PORT')
if mailserver_port:
print 'Using custom SMTP port:', mailserver_port
mailserver_port = 25
# connect to the server
s = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver, mailserver_port)
except socket.error, s:
print >> sys.stderr, "Could not connect to mailserver %s at port %s: %s (%i)" % \
(mailserver, mailserver_port, s[1], s[0])
print "The port %s may be firewalled. Please try using requestsync with" \
% mailserver_port
print "the '--lp' flag to file a sync request with the launchpadlib " \
return False
# authenticate to the server
mailserver_user = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_USER')
mailserver_pass = os.getenv('DEBSMTP_PASS')
if mailserver_user and mailserver_pass:
s.login(mailserver_user, mailserver_pass)
except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
print 'Error authenticating to the server: invalid username and password.'
return False
print 'Unknown SMTP error.'
return False
s.sendmail(myemailaddr, to, mail)
print 'Sync request mailed.'
return True
def post_bug(source_package, subscribe, status, bugtitle, bugtext):
'''Use python-launchpadlib to submit the sync request.
Return True if successfully posted, otherwise False.'''
import glob, os.path
launchpad = Launchpad.login()
except ImportError:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Importing launchpadlib failed. Is python-launchpadlib installed?'
return False
except IOError, msg:
# No credentials found.
print msg
if source_package:
product_url = "%subuntu/+source/%s" %(launchpad._root_uri, source_package)
# new source package
product_url = "%subuntu" %launchpad._root_uri
in_confirm_loop = True
while in_confirm_loop:
print 'Summary:\n%s\n\nDescription:\n%s' % (bugtitle, bugtext)
# ask for confirmation and allow to edit:
print 'Do you want to edit the report before sending [y/N]? Press Control-C to abort.'
while 1:
val = raw_input_exit_on_ctrlc()
if val.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
(bugtitle, bugtext) = edit_report(bugtitle, bugtext)
elif val.lower() in ('n', 'no', ''):
in_confirm_loop = False
print "Invalid answer."
# Create bug
bug = launchpad.bugs.createBug(description=bugtext, title=bugtitle, target=product_url)
#newly created bugreports have one task
task = bug.bug_tasks[0]
# Only members of ubuntu-bugcontrol can set importance
if PersonTeam.getMe().isLpTeamMember('ubuntu-bugcontrol'):
task.importance = 'Wishlist'
task.status = status
subscribe_url = "%s~%s" %(launchpad._root_uri, subscribe)
print 'Sync request filed as bug #%i: %s' % (bug.id,
return True
def edit_report(subject, body, changes_required=False):
"""Edit a report (consisting of subject and body) in sensible-editor.
subject and body get decorated, before they are written to the temporary
file and undecorated after editing again.
If changes_required is True and the file has not been edited
(according to its mtime), an error is written to STDERR and the
program exits.
Returns (new_subject, new_body).
import re
import string
report = "Summary (one line):\n%s\n\nDescription:\n%s" % (subject, body)
# Create tempfile and remember mtime
import tempfile
report_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='requestsync_' )
mtime_before = os.stat( report_file.name ).st_mtime
# Launch editor
editor = subprocess.check_call( ['sensible-editor', report_file.name] )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Error calling sensible-editor: %s\nAborting.' % (e,)
# Check if the tempfile has been changed
if changes_required:
report_file_info = os.stat( report_file.name )
if mtime_before == os.stat( report_file.name ).st_mtime:
print >> sys.stderr, 'The temporary file %s has not been changed, but you have\nto explain why the Ubuntu changes can be dropped. Aborting. [Press ENTER]' % (report_file.name,)
report = report_file.file.read()
# Undecorate report again:
(new_subject, new_body) = report.split("\nDescription:\n", 1)
# Remove prefix and whitespace for subject:
new_subject = string.rstrip( re.sub("\n", " ", re.sub("^Summary \(one line\):\s*", "", new_subject, 1)) )
return (new_subject, new_body)
# entry point
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Our usage options.
usage = "Usage: %prog [-d distro] [-k keyid] [-n] [--lp] [-s] [-e] "
usage += "<source package> [<target release> [base version]]"
optParser = OptionParser(usage)
optParser.add_option("-d", type = "string",
dest = "dist", default = "unstable",
help = "Debian distribution to sync from.")
optParser.add_option("-k", type = "string",
dest = "keyid", default = None,
help = "GnuPG key ID to use for signing report.")
optParser.add_option("-n", action = "store_true",
dest = "newpkg", default = False,
help = "Whether package to sync is a new package in Ubuntu.")
optParser.add_option("--lp", action = "store_true",
dest = "lpbugs", default = False,
help = "Specify whether to use the launchpadlib module for filing " \
optParser.add_option("-s", action = "store_true",
dest = "sponsor", default = False,
help = "Force sponsorship requirement (shall be autodetected if not " \
optParser.add_option("-e", action = "store_true",
dest = "ffe", default = False,
help = "Use this after FeatureFreeze for non-bug fix syncs, changes " \
"default subscription to the appropriate release team.")
(options, args) = optParser.parse_args()
newsource = options.newpkg
sponsorship = options.sponsor
keyid = options.keyid
use_lp_bugs = options.lpbugs
need_interaction = False
distro = options.dist
ffe = options.ffe
if not use_lp_bugs and not get_email_address():
if len(args) == 0:
if len(args) not in (2, 3): # no release specified, assume development release
release = Distribution('ubuntu').getDevelopmentSeries().name
print >> sys.stderr, ("Source package / target release missing - assuming %s " %
release = args[1]
srcpkg = args[0]
force_base_ver = None
# Base version specified.
if len(args) == 3: force_base_ver = args[2]
(cur_ver, component) = ('0', 'universe') # Let's assume universe
# Find Ubuntu release's package version.
if not newsource: (cur_ver, component) = cur_version_component(srcpkg, release)
debiancomponent = debian_component(srcpkg, distro)
# Find Debian release's package version.
deb_version = cur_deb_version(srcpkg, distro)
# Debian and Ubuntu versions are the same - stop.
if deb_version == cur_ver:
print 'The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already (%s). Aborting.' % (deb_version,)
# -s flag not specified - check if we do need sponsorship.
if (not sponsorship):
if (not newsource):
sponsorship = checkNeedsSponsorship(srcpkg)
sponsorship = not PersonTeam.getMe().isLpTeamMember('motu') # assume going to universe
# Check for existing package reports.
if (not newsource) and use_lp_bugs: checkExistingReports(srcpkg)
# Generate bug report.
subscribe = 'ubuntu-archive'
status = 'confirmed'
if sponsorship == True:
status = 'new'
if component in ['main', 'restricted']:
subscribe = 'ubuntu-main-sponsors'
subscribe = 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors'
if ffe == True:
status = 'new'
if component in ['main', 'restricted']:
subscribe = 'ubuntu-release'
subscribe = 'motu-release'
pkg_to_sync = '%s %s (%s) from Debian %s (%s)' % (srcpkg, deb_version, component, distro, debiancomponent)
title = "Sync %s" % pkg_to_sync
if ffe == True:
title = "FFe: " + title
report = "Please sync %s\n\n" % pkg_to_sync
base_ver = cur_ver
uidx = base_ver.find('ubuntu')
if uidx > 0:
base_ver = base_ver[:uidx]
need_interaction = True
print 'Changes have been made to the package in Ubuntu.'
print 'Please edit the report and give an explanation.'
print 'Press ENTER to start your editor. Press Control-C to abort now.'
print 'Not saving the report file will abort the request, too.'
report += 'Explanation of the Ubuntu delta and why it can be dropped:\n' + \
if ffe == True:
need_interaction = True
print 'To approve FeatureFreeze exception, you need to state '
print 'the reason why you feel it is necessary.'
print 'Press ENTER to start your editor. Press Control-C to abort now.'
print 'Not saving the report file will abort the request, too.'
report += 'Explanation of FeatureFreeze exception:\n' + \
# Check if they have a per-package upload permission.
if LpApiWrapper.isPerPackageUploader(srcpkg):
report += 'Note that I have per-package upload permissions for %s.\n\n' % srcpkg
uidx = base_ver.find('build')
if uidx > 0:
base_ver = base_ver[:uidx]
if force_base_ver:
base_ver = force_base_ver
if not newsource: report += 'Changelog since current %s version %s:\n\n' % (release, cur_ver)
report += debian_changelog(srcpkg, debiancomponent, base_ver, deb_version) + '\n'
if need_interaction:
(title, report) = edit_report(title, report, changes_required=True)
# Post sync request using Launchpad interface:
srcpkg = not newsource and srcpkg or None
if use_lp_bugs:
# Map status to the values expected by lp-bugs
mapping = {'new': 'New', 'confirmed': 'Confirmed'}
if post_bug(srcpkg, subscribe, mapping[status], title, report):
# Abort on error:
print 'Something went wrong. No sync request filed.'
# Mail sync request:
if mail_bug(srcpkg, subscribe, status, title, report, keyid):
print 'Something went wrong. No sync request filed.'