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1.2.0 (2014-10-14)

New features

  • Added the autoprefixer filter
  • Added --no-header option for Coffeescript
  • Implemented the extraction of dependencies for the compass filter
  • Allow custom functions to be registered on the Lessphp filter
  • Added MinifyCssCompressor filter based on mrclay/minify
  • Added setVariables in the ScssPhpFilter
  • Improved the support of the compress options for UglifyJS2
  • Added CssCacheBustingFilter to apply cache busting on URLs in the CSS
  • Added support for --relative-assets option for the compass filter

Bug fixes

  • Allow functions.php to be included many times
  • Updated the ScssPhpFilter for upstream class renaming

1.2.0-alpha1 (2014-07-08)

BC breaks

  • Added AssetFactory instance as second argument for WorkerInterface::process()
  • Removed LazyAssetManager from CacheBustingWorker constructor
  • A new getSourceDirectory() method was added on the AssetInterface
  • Removed limit and count arguments from CssUtils functions
  • Removed the deprecated PathUtils class

New features

  • added CssUtils::filterCommentless()
  • Added DependencyExtractorInterface for filters to report other files they import
  • Added the support of nib in the stylus filter
  • Added registerFunction and setFormatter to the scssphp filter
  • Added the support of flag file for the ClosureCompilerJarFilter
  • Added the JsSqueeze filter
  • Added support of the define option for uglifyjs (1 & 2) filters
  • Added logging for Twig errors in the extractor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the detection of protocol-relative CSS imports
  • Updated AssetCollection to not add several time the same variable in path
  • Fixed the merging of the environment variables to keep the configuration of the NODE_PATH working
  • Fixed the support of {% embed %} in the Twig extractor
  • Fixed the support of asset variables in GlobAsset