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Lubuntu Manual Source Code

This is the Lubuntu Manual source code. The concept was derived from the Kubuntu Manual. The master branch of this data is now uses the LXQt desktop for Lubuntu later than 18.10. To see what is currently in master manual master branch and to see the current stable version look at stable manual branch . To see what is currently for LTS releseases are hosted at manual lts branch

How it works

The documentation is powered by Sphinx and is written in reStructuredText.

Run the following command to install the needed dependencies:

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-sphinx latexmk texlive texlive-formats-extra python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme

You can see the options for building the documentation by running make help. You can make the html version by running make html. You can make a pdf version of the lubuntu manual with make latexpdf. If you just want to check for warnings or errors building run make dummy.


To contribute to the Lubuntu Manual, you can either create a request on Launchpad, or send patch mail to lubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com and prefix the subject with [Lubuntu Manual Pull Request].

If you really want to learn more about sphinx Lyn Perrine found this pycon video helpful [Carol_Willing-Practical_Sphinx] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ROZRNZkPS8)

If you want short help on how to format things see StyleGuide.rst in this directory.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. More details can be found here: creative commons attribution license