* debian/experimental: Update gbp.conf Update Vcs-* fields Cherry-picking upstream version 0.10.0. Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20151031. Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20150929. Cherry-picking upstream version 0.9.0+20150927. Solves: - apply-button for desktop preferences - close the desktop painting process by incident Cherry-picked upstream version 0.9.0+20150925.
The Qt port of the LXDE file manager PCManFM.
Includes libfm-qt, the qt port of the libfm-qt - a library providing components to build desktop file managers.
Issue tracker: https://github.com/lxde/pcmanfm-qt/issues
LXQt website: http://lxqt.org
LXDE website: http://lxde.org