@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
include platform.yakkety
include platform.yakkety
feature no-follow-recommends
feature no-follow-recommends
core: desktop-common
core: core-gtk
desktop: core
core-gtk: standard
core-qt: standard
desktop: core desktop-gtk
desktop-gtk: standard
desktop-qt: standard
live: desktop live-common
live: desktop live-common
live-gtk: desktop-gtk live-common
live-qt: desktop-qt live-common
ship: boot installer desktop d-i-requirements
ship: boot installer desktop d-i-requirements
ship-live: boot live
ship-live: ship-live-gtk
ship-live-gtk: boot live
ship-live-qt: boot live
# make sure supported remains the last entry
# make sure supported remains the last entry
supported: desktop ship-live supported-common core
supported: desktop desktop-gtk desktop-qt ship-live ship-live-gtk ship-live-qt supported-common core core-gtk core-qt
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu minimal installation
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides minimal packages for Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-core
Task-Seeds: desktop-common
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
= LXDE core packages =
* pcmanfm
* lxpanel
* lxsession
* lxterminal
= Other needed packages =
* lightdm
* lightdm-gtk-greeter
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu minimal installation
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides minimal packages for Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-core
Task-Seeds: desktop-common
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
= LXDE core packages =
* pcmanfm-qt
* lxqt-panel
* lxqt-common
* lxqt-session
* qterminal
= Display manager =
* sddm
* sddm-theme-lubuntu-chooser
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu Desktop (GTK part)
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXDE environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-gtk
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
= Lubuntu =
* lubuntu-default-session
= Lxde =
* lxappearance
* lxappearance-obconf
* lxinput
* lxshortcut
* gpicview
* file-roller
* lxrandr
* obconf
* leafpad
* lxlauncher
* lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin
* lxsession-logout
* lxsession-default-apps
== Internet ==
* firefox
* xul-ext-ubufox
* sylpheed [!powerpc]
* sylpheed-i18n [!powerpc]
* sylpheed-plugins [!powerpc]
* sylpheed-doc [!powerpc]
* pidgin
* transmission
== Multimedia ==
* gnome-mplayer
* audacious [!powerpc]
* audacious-plugins [!powerpc]
== Accessories ==
* galculator
* xfburn
* mtpaint
* lxtask
* hardinfo [!powerpc]
* gucharmap [!powerpc]
* guvcview
* scrot
== Desktopish and/or GNOMEish tools which we do need ==
* xdg-user-dirs-gtk # in pcmanfm + standard directory
* libgtk2-perl # Add GTK interface for synaptic (LP: #926581)
* gnome-system-tools
* gnome-time-admin # Support for time configuration.
* xfce4-power-manager
* xfce4-power-manager-plugins # Support for lxpanel plugin
* light-locker
* light-locker-settings
* lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
* language-selector-gnome
* gdebi
* gnome-disk-utility
* simple-scan [!powerpc]
* gnome-keyring
* pinentry-gtk2 # LP: #1473952 - Install the gtk2 version of pinentry, along with gnome-keyring and gpg-agent.
* blueman
* xfce4-notifyd # Replacement for notification-daemon
* indicator-application-gtk2 # Add indicator icons in notification area by default,
# to workaroud bugs in fallback mode
* usb-creator-gtk # Adding utility to make USB bootable
== Office ==
* abiword [!powerpc]
* gnumeric [!powerpc]
* evince
* xpad [!powerpc]
== Networking ==
* network-manager-gnome
== Printing ==
* system-config-printer-gnome
== Low level system plumbery ==
* synaptic # for our purposes, it's plumbing ...
* software-properties-gtk # Nice GUI to change reporsitory settings / extra drivers
* update-notifier # For crash report and updates notifications
* ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk # For upgrade of L/Ubuntu releases.
* lubuntu-software-center
* fcitx-config-gtk2
* fcitx-frontend-gtk2
* fcitx-ui-classic
* apport-gtk # support for ubuntu-bug command # metapackage for everything here
== Other ==
* lubuntu-desktop-gtk # metapackage for everything here
== Removed ==
# * apturl # Remove, pulling webkit2 stack
# * pidgin-microblog Mostly broken LP: #1190406
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu Qt Desktop
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the Lubuntu (Ubuntu LXQt environment).
Task-Key: lubuntu-desktop-qt
* Feature: no-follow-recommends
= Lubuntu =
* qlubuntu-default-session
= LXQt =
* lxqt-about
* lxqt-admin
* lxqt-config
* lxqt-globalkeys
* lxqt-notificationd
* lxqt-openssh-askpass
* lxqt-policykit
* lxqt-powermanagement
* lxqt-runner
* lxqt-qtplugin
* lxqt-sudo
* qps
# Force svg support for Qt
* libqt5svg5
== Internet ==
* qupzilla
* transmission-qt
* quassel
== Network ==
* cmst
== Multimedia ==
* smplayer
* smplayer-l10n
* smplayer-themes
* smtube
* calibre
== Accessories ==
* 2048-qt
* juffed
* noblenote
* xarchiver
* screengrap
* nomacs # Edit image capability, instead of lximage-qt
== Desktopish tools which we do need ==
* xscreensaver
* gdebi-kde
* pinentry-qt # LP: #1473952 - Install the gtk2 version of pinentry, along with gnome-keyring and gpg-agent.
* usb-creator-kde # Adding utility to make USB bootable
* compton-conf
* obconf-qt
* qlipper
* qtpass
== Office ==
* libreoffice-calc
* libreoffice-impress
* libreoffice-writer
* libreoffice-kde
* qpdfview
== Low level system plumbery ==
# Packages management
* muon
* muon-discover
* muon-updater
* software-properties-kde # Nice GUI to change reporsitory settings / extra drivers
* ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt
* fcitx-frontend-qt5
* fcitx-ui-qimpanel
== Other ==
* lubuntu-desktop-qt # metapackage for everything here
== Removed ==
# * apturl # Remove, pulling webkit2 stack
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import apt, re, sys
apt_cache = apt.Cache()
# most spoken languages of the world, prioritized
priority_langs = [ 'en', 'es', 'de', 'fr', 'ru', 'pt', 'it', 'zh-hans', 'pl', 'ja', 'nl', 'cs', 'xh', 'hu', 'zh', 'bn']
extra_pkgs_counted = {'gnome': set(), 'kde': set(), '(gnome|kde)': set()}
def language_size(lang, mode):
'''Return the cumulative size of all language packs related to the given
language code.'''
sum = 0
name_re = re.compile('^language-pack-(?:%s-)?%s(?:-|$)' % (mode, lang))
for p in apt_cache.keys():
if name_re.match(p):
sum += apt_cache[p].candidate.size
if sum == 0:
raise Exception('Invalid language: %s' % lang)
return sum
def all_languages():
'''Return list of all available languages.'''
langs = []
for p in apt_cache.keys():
if p.startswith('language-pack-'):
comps = p.split('-')
if len(comps) == 3 and comps[2] != 'zh':
if len(comps) == 4 and comps[2] == 'zh' and comps[3] != 'base':
langs.append('%s-%s' % (comps[2], comps[3]))
return langs
def main():
# prioritize languages
langs = all_languages()
for pl in priority_langs:
if pl in langs:
langs.insert(0, pl)
gnomesum = 0
kdesum = 0
gnomekdesum = 0
for l in langs:
gsize = language_size(l, 'gnome')
ksize = language_size(l, 'kde')
gksize = language_size(l, '(gnome|kde)')
gnomesum += gsize
kdesum += ksize
gnomekdesum += gksize
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'MB':
print("%-5s G: %8.2f K: %8.2f G+K: %8.2f GSum: %8.2f KSum: %8.2f G+KSum: %8.2f" % \
(l, gsize/1048576., ksize/1048576., gksize/1048576.,
gnomesum/1048576., kdesum/1048576., gnomekdesum/1048576.))
print("%-5s G: %10i K: %10i G+K: %10i GSum: %10i KSum: %10i G+KSum: %10i" % \
(l, gsize, ksize, gksize, gnomesum, kdesum, gnomekdesum))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu live CD
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the extra packages installed on the Lubuntu live CD. It is neither useful nor recommended to install this task in other environments.
Task-Relevance: 2
Task-Key: ubiquity-frontend-gtk
Task-Test-new-install: skip show
Task-Seeds: live-common
== Languages support ==
* Languages: en
* language-pack-gnome-${Languages}
* firefox-locale-${Languages}
== Ubiquity components ==
These packages make up the Ubiquity live installer.
* ubiquity-frontend-gtk
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Task-Per-Derivative: 1
Task-Section: user
Task-Description: Lubuntu live CD
Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the extra packages installed on the Lubuntu live CD. It is neither useful nor recommended to install this task in other environments.
Task-Relevance: 2
Task-Key: ubiquity-frontend-qt
Task-Test-new-install: skip show
Task-Seeds: live-common
== Languages support ==
* Languages: en
* language-pack-kde-${Languages}
== Ubiquity components ==
These packages make up the Ubiquity live installer.
* ubiquity-frontend-kde
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
The ship-live seed will be added to the live CD as an ordinary package
archive. Here belongs anything that somebody might need to install after
installing the contents of the live CD in order to get online and fetch more
== Hardware & Network Access ==
* network-manager-gnome
== Installer ==
* oem-config-gtk
* ubiquity-frontend-gtk
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
The ship-live seed will be added to the live CD as an ordinary package
archive. Here belongs anything that somebody might need to install after
installing the contents of the live CD in order to get online and fetch more
== Installer ==
* oem-config-kde
* ubiquity-frontend-kde
Reference in new issue