1 Upload to a PPA
Dan Simmons edited this page 4 months ago

Purpose of this document

As a supplement to the Packaging Tutorial, this is a great solution if you'd like people to test a change before you get it uploaded.



  1. Start in the folder containing your debian folder of whatever package you're working on
  2. Get the source:
    1. uscan --download-current-version
    2. tar -x --strip-components=1 -f ../PACKAGE_*.orig.tar.xz
  3. dch -i a new changelog entry and make sure the version number ends with ppa# where # is some number. This will make the package essentially a higher version than those in the repos.
  4. Build the source: debuild -S
  5. Upload it to Launchpad: dput ppa:your-launchpad-id/your-ppa-name ../PACKAGE_*source.changes

You should immediately get an accepted message by email. Then it starts building. This can take a while. Be patient…